

The National Debt Clock.

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Peer Steinbrueck says Gordon Brown is an inept money wasting cunt.

Okay, he never called him a cunt but by damn it would have been funny and so accurate if he had have done so.

Germany's finance minister has launched an outspoken attack on Gordon Brown's economic recovery plan. 

Peer Steinbrueck said the Government was 'tossing around billions' and was getting the country into so much debt it would take a generation to work off. 

His remarks added to the prime minister's humiliation after he caused gales of laughter in the Commons when, in a slip of the tongue, he said: 'We saved the world'. 

In an unusual breach of diplomatic etiquette, Mr Steinbrueck said that tipping the UK into record levels of debt was 'breathtaking' and 'crass' and was repeating the same mistake that created the crisis.

Britain has poured £37billion into recapitalising its banks, and Chancellor Alistair Darling made £20billion of tax cuts in his Pre-Budget Report, leading to a national debt next year of £118billion.

His remarks come ahead of today's EU summit meeting in Brussels, when Mr Brown will come face to face with German chancellor Angela Merkel.

But did not the glorious unelected one eyed leader not claim to have "saved the World" just the other day in The Commons? I am sure he will be glaring at Peer when they get together, not that he can glare properly being a one eyed cunt.

**Oh and I shall point out that this Teutonic chap who has lambasted Brown is running a budget surplus, a phrase that Gordon is not familiar with.

New Labour - "I want them all dead. I want their family's dead. I want their houses burnt to the ground. I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on the ashes."

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

The only thing worse than a Socialist is an arrogant fucking Socialist, and our non elected one eyed half wit certainly falls into that particular category.

Isn't it beyond the concept of reality that I can readily find solitude in the words of a German, instead of those of the alleged "Prime Minister" of Great Britain.

Next Summer I do believe there may be genuine unrest on the streets of Britain, because of the one eyed mans politics of insanity, and no doubt the scum that are New labour will use that as perfect excuse to close parts of the Internet down.

Anonymous said...

Indeed Reverse, you never have to give the left any excuses to clamp down on the liberties they often bray about.

As for what that german fellow said of brownie, if you folks weren't so far down the crapper thanks to him, it'd be funny.