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PM James Gordon Brown - X Factor media hype.

So what has our one eyed leader been up to? Well he has got his priorities right.  

Never mind the economic woes, rising numbers of unemployed, social ills and world problems or even the wars our unfunded troops are fighting he has been writing letters to X Factor finalists. 

No, really. He has been saying that he doesn't play media games, then shows that he does and scribbles off notes to all 12 wannabe types taking up valuable telly time on a Saturday.

Now it may be cynical but the one eyed one must have known this would all leak out, although unlike other leaks I am sure the boys in blue will not be getting a call.

Although a more cynical view would be that he and his badger haired lackey will repeat the lie that they have removed tax from the single Hero. 
An exceptional one-off charitable donation will be made,equivalent to the sum of the VAT receipts collected on its sales. As I said here,,,
You see that he is not - repeat fucking not - waiving VAT at all the fucking cunt has instead put public money in to a charity donation and the VAT will be collected as per normal. 
Yep you read that right, he is spending more of our money - sure its for a good cause and all that but spending it he is and passing it off as taxes being written off by Gordon & co. -
The cunt just hopes that the plebs an proles out there will not notice his latest cuntfuckery.

Since the VAT is under the control of the EU he can not remove it, sorry powers signed away an all that. Since he can not withhold EU funds he instead takes our money and passes that off as a PR exercise.

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