

The National Debt Clock.

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Sympathy - not from me thats for damn sure.

I blame this prissy mouthed fucker for this.

A sign of what is wrong with the UK:No one works but its not my fault.
Elizabeth Malcolm, 43, has never had a job. She lives in a two-bedroom council flat in Glasgow with her three children, one grandchild, two cats and a hamster.

Neither of her two working-age children have a job.

The family is what the statistics gatherers call a "workless household" - one of three million in the country. In reality it's not quite so easy to put every jobless person into a neat little box. This is their story.

Elizabeth, known as "Biff" to family and friends, wishes now that she had got into work or college back in 1980, when she left school at 15.

It was hardly a great time to be a jobseeker, especially living in Easterhouse, a part of Glasgow long synonymous with deprivation and unemployment. But she concedes that she doesn't really know why she didn't get a job, and that there was an element of just "not getting round" to it.

She doesn't think school wanted her to stay on because she "wasn't too bright" and used to bunk off a lot.
Fucking hell never worked and what with the endless stream of money coming in has no fucking motive to get up off her arse and do so. Classed as a "workless household" why not class them as "workshy grabbing bastards out to live off the taxpayer"?

But just look at the BBC's biased view of it, fucking excusing this womans lifestyle choice and that is what it is a lifestyle choice. They say Glasgow is long synonymous with deprivation and unemployment, well fucking hell if you pay people to do fuck all that is exactly what they will do.

As for the "just not getting around to it", I fucking bet anyone £100, hell make it a cunting million that if her taxpayer cash never arrived one giro day she would get around to calling the DSS fucking sharpish. Oh yes, we would fucking see her motivated then I can bet.

Right back to the socialist BBC: 
Without any qualifications she assumed she wasn't able to follow her chosen path and join the Army. She never actually made it to the recruitment office to ask.

After signing on the dole, she was nagged to find a job by her parents - who both worked until redundancy and illness stopped them in their 50s - and says she tried to find something.

"I did try, but nobody took me on," she says.

By 17 she had met the father of her three children and by 22 had their first son William. From then on family, home life and dealing with a failing relationship took over, she says.

While Elizabeth "feels angry" at herself for not getting into work when she was younger, at the same time she believes looking after the kids and the house has been a job in itself. Labour market survey figures for the last quarter showed more than two million women gave the same reason for not working.

Excuses upon excuses, wanted to join the army. I am sure that she would not have been the most motivated of soldiers, although as she says she never bothered asking. 

Although the looking after kids is a job, well newsflash here but that was her choice. You want kids the rule used to be work and pay for them, although we all seem to be adoptive parents for her brood in the sense that we are in fact paying for them.

Jesus fucking wept, now I know where the cunts in the House of Commons have been wasting my money. 

Hell cut the fucking womans cash off, if she gets a bit hungry well she can always eat her fucking cat.

She bleats this shyte:
"I'm sorry they have to pay tax money to me. If I could get a job... give me a job then and I'll work, and then they won't have to pay me."
How about actively looking for a fucking job. Give me a job she bleats, fucking hell thats the problem with the feckless indolent cunts molly coddled by Labour and its cradle to effing grave nanny state. Try looking and showing some fucking motivation and the problem will resolve itself.

The language of her complaint sums up the attitude that is all to common here in the UK, "Give me", "My rights","I want" and so on. 

The bitching continues:

"All my pals are looking for work as well. But it's not that easy to get a job straightaway, you've got to write out your CV and everything and then hand it in to places."

Day-to-day she spends her time going to the shops for her mum, collecting her money, or visiting friends who also have children.

Oh the fucking horror of it, having to write up a CV. Oh and as for the hand it into places, well they have this magical thing called the "Internet" and you can send your CV to employers/agencies from your home/local libary. 

Hells fucking teeth, the kind folk at the dole office even have advisers to help with that sort of shit as I well know from my own days of being a dole bum.


5 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

typical labour voter.

Anonymous said...

I think we've all met people of Elizabeth malcolms stature, and of course they still blame Maggie Thatcher for their own predicament, and readily vote Labour if someone can manage to prise them out of their beds, and run them down to the polling station.

These are Gordon's natural voters, who couldn't give a damn if Josef Stalin himself were running this Nation into the ground - as long as they continued to receive their beloved benefits.

Iv come to the conclusion that in any Society, on one side of the coin, there will always be people like Richard Branson that seek to make money out of any given opportunity, but at the same time put back a huge amount into the Nation itself.........

And then of course - there are the Elizabeth Malcolm's of this world, who will never so much as do a hands turn, but complain bitterly, that they themselves are not afforded Branson's lifestyle.

It's called the politics of envy....

Communism........ for want of a better word - and to old one eye, Elizabeth Malcolm's theory is just music to his dumbo like ears..

Fidothedog said...

People like her are the damn problem.

Anonymous said...

How the fuck long would it take her to write a CV anyway?. Here, Paul: rather than just complaining you could use your blog as a public service by simply allowing this post to stand for her to copy and paste:

Curriculum Vitae

Elizabeth Malcolm,
The Armpit of Scotland.


Employment History:

1965-present: Absolutley fuckall.

There now, doesn't that give you a warm glow?

Fidothedog said...

Well she has got a shit load of free pr thanks to the BBC, so if someone gives her a job thanks to that then all well and good.

Although I have a sneaking feeling that she classes signing her name as doing a full time job, along with watching Jeremy Kyle each day on his chav baiting scumfest tv show.

Still fuck tolerance, close down the fucking DSS for anyone who has been on it for more than 3 years I say, fuck em' cunts the lot of them.