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Geert Wilders - A little video on what is a hate crime.

With regards the film Fitna - despite the weak willed cowards at the EU preventing the film from being screened, and their attempts to accuse Mr Wilders of hate crimes (an article Mr Wildersdid on the rise of Islam in Europe.)

Some who you would assume would be screaming for the death of Mr Geert Wilders over Fitna have not quite reacted that way, a certain Omar Bakri, the Libyan-based radical Muslim cleric who is barred from Britain his reaction quite calm. 

If as the legal people claim moslems will be offended and hurt by Fitna then perhaps they should call him up as he did not think the film was very offensive. ‘On the contrary, if we leave out the first images and the sound of the page being torn, it could be a film by the [Islamist]Mujahideen,’ he said.

Hmmmmmmm. This arguement of hate speech against Geert Wilders appears to be getting weaker by the day.

Although maybe they should also spare a thought for Pim Fortuyn also killed by the religion of peace's followers.

3 people have spoken:

old and angry said...

I have already written to the Dutch embassy to express my outrage at this show trial just to keep the Muslins happy.
I just ask how long it will be before the Islamic Republic of holland declares itself!
Be warned, this is coming to a country near you!!!

Fidothedog said...

Well if they keep their heads in the sand what can they expect but a sandnigger to cut their heads off.

Anonymous said...

Great job on the video Fido!
No matter how many terrorist attacks there are, and no matter what groups carry them out, we must never fear, resist or mock the precious and ever peaceful Islam. Who are we to say that raping 9 year-olds is immoral? Who are we to say that stoning gays and rape victims to death is evil?

Who are we to say that killing hundreds of people every month in the name of Allah is the height of evil? That is just their culture and ideology and it MUST be respected. Morality is all relative, we must remember that.

Amazing Anti-Jihad Music here:
Weapon of Musical Defense
absurd thought -
God of the Universe wants
all planets Islamic

Earth is one of many
in process of conversion

absurd thought -
God of the Universe wants
many Taliban planets

stonings and be-headings
billions served daily

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
allow Islamic conquest

enjoy the dhimmi life
of second class citizens

absurd thought –
God of the Universe says
convert the infidels

or make them pay a tax
if they don’t want to die
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