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One for the Darwin Awards.

hat tip to a tangled web for this one.

For all you non-believers out there - READ THIS!

"A Palestinian Authority Arab who stoned cars in Samaria was killed by one of his own rocks, police have concluded. A Jewish man held in connection with the death has been released. The Arab teenager hurled heavy stones at Israeli-owned vehicles along a Samaria highway last Tuesday evening. He managed to hit one car, which was driven by a resident of the nearby town of Emmanuel. A final forensic report, released over the weekend, showed that the attacker was killed when a stone he threw hit the car driven by the man from Emmanuel. The stone hit the car's tire and bounced back at high speed, hitting the attacker and leaving him with a fatal head injury."

Laughed long an hard at that one, there is a saying "Mahn tracht oon gaht lacht" - Man plans and God laughs.

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