Fuck this is strange, whilst folk in the former East Germany are free we are ruled by commies who get a hard on at the mention of the Stasi.
Monday 16rh February 2009, from 11am
Monday 16rh February 2009, from 11am
Location Map - Broadway, London, SW1
Nearest Tube Station is St. James's Park
Remember, that, very sneakily, New Scotland Yard is just within the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 ss 132 -138 Designated Area around Parliament Square (see the ParliamentProtest.org.uk blog for details), and so the Metroplitan Police may attempt to arrest people, or to impose arbitrary Conditions etc.
See also:
- Marc Vallée's blog: Media Event: "I'm a Photographer ... not a Terrorist"
- British Journal of Photography: NUJ, activists and BJP calls for photography rights event
See our previous blog articles for background links:
- London Calling Photographers debate - Know your rights: Facing the police crackdown on public photography
- Photography does NOT equal Terrorism
If you voted for this shower of shit the last time, then you are a sheep who either cares not about their freedoms or lacks the intellect to realise what the scum were doing; either way it is partly your fault.
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