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Mr Tessa Jowell guilty - yet more New Labour sleaze.

Mr. Tessa Jowell one David Mills has been found guilty and sentenced to 4 years.

The Daily Mail gloats:
Tessa Jowell's husband was found guilty yesterday of accepting a £350,000 bribe from Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi which he used to pay off a joint mortgage held with his Cabinet minister wife.

An Italian court sentenced lawyer David Mills, who is now separated from Miss Jowell, to four-and-a-half years in jail.

It found that the tax lawyer had accepted the money in return for giving false testimony in two corruption trials involving Mr Berlusconi.
He was ordered yesterday to pay around £220,000 damages for harming the reputation of the state because of the corruption, said he was 'disappointed by the decision'.

In these hard times there is not often a story that makes me laugh but this is one, pure schaudenfraud gold.

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Get ready for a big laugh as they bang the "guilty" gavel in Jacqui Smith's direction... somebody tell the Home Secretary to inform the police about the eemmm... Home Secretary!

Fidothedog said...

Now that would be good. The only thing that detracts from Mr Tessa is it is not likely according to what the Mail said that he will be doing any jail time.