Well aside from the rather obvious slur on the fine folk from "bloody Norfolk" as he put it, quite what the fucking fuck is that arsewater about Oliver Cromwell coming from Norfolk?Why would I want to go and live in bloody Norfolk for God's sake? Nothing good ever came out of bloody Norfolk since Oliver Cromwell.
Oliver Cromwell was born at Cromwell House in Huntingdon on 25 April 1599. Do take a look at the town website Mr Prescott:
Its not even in fucking Norfolk, its in Cambridgeshire.
Fucking hell, they could replace him with a fucking chimp and it would do a better job.
6 people have spoken:
Nelson ? Prescott = Troughligate ignoramus.
I think I shall have to start using that term "Troughligate" sums up New Liebour scum.
I'm definately going to steal it.
Troughligate...so many levels...
After I learn to spell, that is.
Feel free Conan, Prescott is either proof that genetics can produce anything or that God has a really strange sense of humor.
Spell it however you may Conan, the message remains the same !
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