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Neil Hill hounded to death by New Labour.

Hazel looks proud at hounding this poor man to death...A housing campaigner killed himself after receiving a £3,000 legal bill from lawyers for communities minister Hazel Blears.

Neil Hill, who had challenged a rent rise for hundreds of tenants, e-mailed the Treasury solicitors saying: 'By the time you receive this I will be dead, having committed suicide. I hope you feel very proud of yourselves.

'Before you send another poor old person a bill for £3,000 please think of the consequences.

'Perhaps you'd like to explain to my family why I can no longer cope and what your position was in ending my life.'

He then hanged himself.

Mr Hill, 57, had just lost a case he brought on behalf of hundreds of council tenants who faced rent rises.

Within half an hour of his court defeat, he received a hand-delivered demand to cover legal fees from Treasury solicitors acting on behalf of Mrs Blears.

Although the e-mail was sent last Saturday - April 18 - Treasury solicitors did not alert Greater Manchester Police until three days later.

Mr Hill was discovered hanged in his flat in Salford, Greater Manchester, after officers forced their way in.

He'd fought a legal battle to prevent housing bosses raising the rent for hundreds of homes by almost £5 a week, but had lost his case on a technicality.

He sent the message two days later...

Vote Labour for more citizens hounded to death.

3 people have spoken:

Oldrightie said...

This should be blazoned across every socialist shitblog in the land!

Anonymous said...

Poor sod. Had he thought it through,he might have done a kamakazi attack on the rotten slut

Anonymous said...

Used to happen much more often the last time the torys were in power.
when they forced the poll tax on the British people