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Three homes Hoon.

Yet more champagne socialist piggy action from Geoff Hoon....The Cabinet Minister who sent Britain's Armed Forces into the Iraq war claimed expenses on his constituency house and rented out his London home - while living throughout the conflict in a palatial grace-and-favour apartment in Whitehall.

Former Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon, now Transport Secretary in Gordon Brown's Government, lived rent-free for three-and-a-half years in Admiralty House, London, once occupied by Winston Churchill.

He used the opportunity to earn money from the London house he had declared to the Commons authorities as his 'main home' by renting it to a private tenant via a commercial lettings agency.

At the same time he claimed more than £70,000 in a 'second-home allowance' on his home in Derby, close to his constituency of Ashfield, Nottinghamshire.

In effect, it meant that during the war, and for three years afterwards, Mr Hoon had one home absolutely free, a second one covered by Commons expenses, and a third one which had initially been funded by expenses, paid for by rent.

And when he gave up his grace-and-favour apartment, he bought a new £635,000 London home and changed his 'main home' declaration which meant he could use his second-home allowance to help pay for it - and provide a home for his adult son.

Mr Hoon insists he has done absolutely nothing wrong and maintains everything was approved by the Commons authorities.

So whilst people across this land lose their homes and are saddled with debt they will most likely never pay off in their lifetime, thanks to Gordon's debt fueled credit boom. This fucker has three places to live.

So whilst companies close and unemployment soars, while the nation has to print money our Geoff feels peoples pain whilst relaxing of an evening. After all he has problems of his own, which house to have the driver take him to after a hard day of mocking the poor.

3 people have spoken:

Alan Smart said...

Dump him shoeless in Basra - let justice be done

Fidothedog said...

Poor Basra, the kind loving hands of the Taliban might be more apt.

I am sure they would find some humane way of dealing with Geoff.

banned said...

Why is this not surprising ?

Hoon of the Year.
