The following March, he claimed £1,456 for the bed and £478 for bed linen and a food mixer, which was paid in full. The purchases were for his designated second home in Lambeth, south London, which he shares with his wife, Gail, who works for him as his office manager. Mr Laxton said: “When I bought this place in London I furnished it with stuff from home, hired a van and drove it down – three-piece suites and other bits. I think when I brought it down I knackered the other bed, or the mattress... that was kaput.
“I got a [new] bed. I didn’t really particularly have the time to run around and get deals on a TV or beds. I bought the TV across the road from my office in the centre of Derby and just chucked it in the back of my car. I thought 'that will be fine, that will do the job’. I’m too busy to chase around getting quotes.
Perfectly understandable, after all its only taxpayers cash Bob.
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