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Tom Harris my former "cunt of the year" - lives up to his title.

I knew this utter cunt would turn up eventually, every pig heads on down to the feeding trough....Tom Harris, the Labour MP for Glasgow South, became embroiled in a row with the Commons fees office when his claims for a baby cot and bottle steriliser were rejected.

Mr Harris, who designated his property in London as his second home, said MPs needed “two of almost everything”, including the equipment for his child.

His claims of £90 for the cot and £50 for the steriliser, made under the additional costs allowance (ACA), were rejected because they were “not wholly, exclusively and necessarily” incurred in relation to parliamentary duties.

Mr Harris wrote to the fees office to complain. He said: “I wish to object to your decision not to reimburse me for the costs of purchasing a baby’s cot and bottle steriliser for use in my London home.

“I can confirm that these expenses have been incurred 'wholly, exclusively and necessarily’ in relation to my parliamentary duties in that the only reason my wife and baby son visit me in London is because I live there half the week. And the only reason I live in London half the week is that I am a Member of Parliament.

“MPs by necessity have to own two of almost everything — two sets of furniture, two TV sets, two DVD players, two electric shavers, etc.

Oh really Tom, so what the fuck makes MP's any more special than anyone else. The rest of us load up a bag or three when away for a few days, not seek to loot the taxpayers of this land.

If you need stuff, the House of Commons pays you something called a wage - around £64K a year.

“Since all of these were legitimately claimed from my ACA, perhaps you can explain why a cot for my son cannot be.”

Mr Harris concluded: “If you insist on upholding this odd decision, perhaps you might be good enough to write to me explaining where my son should sleep next time he visits me in London?”
But officials in the fees office were unmoved. In July 2008 Mr Harris claimed £19.99 for a child’s bed set and £59.79 for a child’s inflatable bed, which were also rejected.

He said: “It’s important to me that I see my young children as much as possible, even when I’m in London..”

Mr Harris said he bought the blow-up bed because it was cheaper than a “proper” bed, which would have been allowed under the rules.

No sympathy, he chose the job and knew travel would be a part of that. He should pay for his extras out of his wages, just like us little folk have to.

Another instance of him showing himself to be an utter cunt.

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