He is currently embroiled with talks with the corporation on how to combine his role with the Labour party with his position on the Apprentice.
But the business tycoon is prepared to take his show to another broadcaster if a deal cannot be reached with the BBC, according to a report in The Times.
There has been growing controversy over his appointment as Labour's Enterprise tsar as he was accused of breaching the corporation's impartiality rules.
The publicly funded BBC is regulated by the BBC Trust, but commercial channels are overseen by broadcasting watchdog Ofcom which is not as strict.
Post two where he says "I did nothing wrong", giving up day to day control of the business empire....
Gosh what a happy coincidence, he lands a job selling PC's to government. He really must be the best man for the job, nothing at all to do with donations of large amounts of cash what so ever.
Lets not forget that this is the chap who inflicted the awful Amstrad Emailer on the land.
2 people have spoken:
for being so far up broons' rectum, he needs shooting. for inventing the amstrad emailer, the cunt needs hanging.
I only ever used one once, that was enough. I felt a Gordon like urge to throw it across the room.
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