Update: Bloody hell, the old duffer is on the ball already and the above comment has been censored and deleted.
The comment(s) can be found here at Flynn's webshyte or rather they won't be soon.
**Update 2, its gone already. His eye is on his website like Jacqui Smith watching her husband to ensure he stays away from porn.
At a stroke he has proven every thing I have ever said about this MP censoring and doctoring facts.
This is an MP who denies doing anything wrong, fails to mention the vast sums he has spent of your tax money on himself. Claims that The Telegraph ran a "witch hunt" against MP's, although it has not stopped him cherry picking figures from that same paper to use against his political opponents.
His wife is on the gravy train employed as his "senior secretary." - Nice work if you can get it. Especially if the tax payers are picking the tab up.
Flynn claimed expenses on the solicitor fees!
Also thanks to the Telegraph we know that he stole "within the rules" a cool £7,052 for new kitchen, as well as work back in 2006 on his kitchen coming to £1580, a cool £1,153 on carpets and £1,200 decoration for his London property in 2005.Then he sold this and moved to a new £275,000 flat. He also claimed £9,629 in stamp duty and fees.
Then we have £1000 deposit on kitchen equipment, charged to the taxpayer. In 2006 he charged the taxpayers £1201.90 on decorating his humble abode.
Also £16,958.00 2nd home allowance, £13,913.00 on office costs, £92,902.00 staffing costs, £202.00 central stationary, £510.00 stationary & postage. £1,209.00 IT provision, £7,171.00 on communications, £8,096.00 travel, £140,961.00 total.
He also claimed back mortgage interest of £215.00, claimed back water utilities of £26.07, electricity £27,00, council Tax £89.33, television service £16.50 although the good thing is that at his advanced age he will soon qualify for a free telly licence!
Also £1745 on a sofa and a chair. £189 on a bathroom cabinet. One ravel small sofa bed beige, costing £750 quid and a vanilla pluto chair costing £995 quid. Well it is natural wood.
Then we have one tv table £150, one side table £90, a dining table & four chairs both £150 quid.
One leather look manager chair coming to £64.98.
He also ordered Mac OS X version 10.4 Tiger @ £89.00 - he could have used Linux which is free but still at least its not Windows.
£424 on a bed for his aged corpse.
So free cable, free telly, no council tax, furniture free, stamp duty paid, his kitchen re-done at taxpayer expense. Oh it must be so difficult to struggle on a humble £64 grand a year as a backbench MP.
I wonder how folk manage without those perks, like the millions laid off under Labour and who are now reliant on benefits Mr Flynn?
Here is Flynn's apology which he was made to put up after losing his libel case, posted on his webshyte and now mysteriously vanished but has been saved by me.
So he lost, we paid for the expenses and he could easily have avoided the case in the first place.
Roll on the election as Newport deserves so much better, so much better than an MP who covers up his expenses, deletes comments, whilst accusing one an all of everything under the sun.
1 people have spoken:
Now that is weird, I could have sworn I posted a comment here.
Never mind, I did a screenshot myself and Oh gosh, I did post a comment, which you have removed, oh the irony.
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