

The National Debt Clock.

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I saw this and thought of Quentin Davies MP.

Quentin who was convicted of two charges of animal cruelty, as his Wikipedia page shows:

Quentin was fined for 2 charges of animal cruelty relating to sheep on his estate. He was when he arrived back in the Commons with retorts of "BAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" by Labour MP's.

Compare and contarast Quentins words, first his sheeplike fawning over Gordon when he left to join the labour flock:
"a leader I have always greatly admired, who I believe is entirely straightforward, and who has a towering record, and a clear vision for the future of our country which I fully share."
16 MARCH 2005 - When still a Tory:
"the Chancellor has been losing control… His projections… have been consistently wrong. He has been wrong about both revenues and expenditure… The Chancellor took risks… he is imprudent… a great worry… very worrying… he simply wanted to win the next election—if he can… it does not matter what happens afterwards… the Chancellor went in for an orgy of self-congratulation… deceiving other people… complacency… he is not prudent and responsible, and not a person to be entrusted with the management of anybody's finances, let alone the country's finances… unattractive and frankly problematic… an absolutely devastating misjudgement and mistake—the destruction of our pensions system… We have not had a word of apology from the Chancellor… He was just incredibly imprudent… extraordinarily incompetent… extraordinarily naïve… desperately complacent… As a result of that self-congratulation and complacency, the Chancellor is becoming so cut off that he is beginning to underestimate the intelligence of the electorate… I trust and believe that something nasty will happen to the Chancellor in electoral terms before too long. He will have no one but himself to blame.

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