

The National Debt Clock.

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That cunt. Yes him there, the one eye'd snot eating Jock wanker.

Stolen from here.


6 people have spoken:

Neuroskeptic said...

So, in conclusion, you don't like Gordon, how original. Can you spare us your next post... or maybe all your next posts?

Fidothedog said...

Aw how sweet I have a Labour troll, do I feed it or call it a cunt?

Budvar said...

I vote you ignore it, and let the tantrums begin. If it gets too out of hand you can always slap its legs and send it to bed without any supper.

Neuroskeptic said...

Actually I'm a Lib Dem, and not a big fan of Gordon, but I'll give him one thing - he doesn't write this blog. Actually, that's all anyone needs to make me like them.

VOTE LABOUR - make every idiot on the internet have a rage-induced seizure and hopefully stop writing for a bit

banned said...

Pot calling the kettle black, Cunt Cameron.

sentientbeing said...

You are a Libdem!!!
Worst kind of facist, second only to the Greens.
The Gorgon doesn't write this blog?
I thought he was a masochist and enjoyed the punishment!!
"VOTE LABOUR - make every idiot on the internet have a rage-induced seizure and hopefully stop writing for a bit".
So you can have the LibDem 15 seconds of fame?
Let's see what Clegg and Foggy can do shall we?
Ummm, ahhh, welll, I would like to ask this question before I answer yours... Fuckers..