A 95-year-old widow has been threatened with legal action - for putting an empty butter tub in the wrong recycling rubbish bag.

Her family said they were horrified at the warning, which they say could have triggered a heart attack.
Karen Walters, 42, said her grandmother was too embarrassed to be identified after the incident.
‘It is scary and ridiculous - she is a really law-abiding citizen,’ she said.
‘If she had seen the warning, she would have had a heart attack. But luckily her son spotted it before she saw it.
‘It’s the fact that a 95-year-old was threatened with prosecution. ‘She was horrified when she was told about it.’
The official notice was stuck to the green bin bag at the pensioner's home in West Cross, Swansea.
The woman had washed 15 tins and put them out for collection – but mistakenly added the empty butter tub.
The recycling team bin men refused to collect the green recycling rubbish bag after spotting it.
It stuck the notice advising householders why the rubbish was not collected, which includes a line saying that mixing up recycling can lead to prosecution.
A spokesman for Swansea Council said: ‘We would like to apologise to the lady and her family for any distress caused by the notice placed on her recycling bag.
3 people have spoken:
My local recycling regime is more sensible. They designed thecsystem knowing that people will not be perfect sitters and seperators.
Since all I get from my local council for the £1,300 they ponce off me p.a. they can fucking well sort it out themselves, like they do in Cornwall.
Cameron has to stop this shit right now - it's ridiculous!
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