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Islamic Army of Iraq.

“The logo of the video reads “the Islamic State of Iraq” in Arabic.
دولة العراق الإسلامية
Dawlat al-'Iraq al-Islamiyya

The video posted below is extremely graphic and most definitely not safe for work. This shows the true face of the jihadists, intolerant to any who differ from their hard line views or who follow a different faith.

No debate, no trial just gunned down by savages in the name of jihad.

The video is the bad news, now for some good news...mnf-iraq.com

Coalition Forces target kidnapping cell in Baghdad
– Coalition forces conducted an operation to arrest a kidnapper and detained four other criminals during operations in East Baghdad early Monday.

These criminals were part of a Special Groups cell supported by Iran. They were involved in kidnapping operations and other crimes against the Iraqi people and security forces.

As Coalition forces sought to take action against these criminals they were engaged with small arms fire and improvised explosive devices including at least one explosively formed penetrator. Responding in self defense, the ground forces engaged and killed one individual. Four suspected criminals were detained on the objective.

Precise fires from air support had to be used to engage individuals emplacing IEDs. These individuals were placing the explosives along the road to attack coalition forces departing the objective.

We continue to support the Government of Iraq in welcoming the commitment by Muqtada al-Sadr to stop attacks and we continue to show restraint with those who honor his pledge. We will not show the same restraint against those criminals who dishonor the pledge by attacking security forces and Iraqi citizens.

Three terrorists killed, 21 suspects detained during operations targeting al-Qaeda
– Coalition forces killed three terrorists and detained 21 suspected terrorists Monday during operations targeting al-Qaeda in Iraq and its foreign terrorist network in central and northern parts of the country.

Coalition forces targeted al-Qaeda in Iraq senior leadership and foreign terrorist facilitators in operations east of Tikrit. When Coalition forces arrived at the target area, they discovered three armed terrorists in a courtyard. The ground forces called for the individuals to put down their weapons, but they did not comply and one armed man drew his weapon. Responding in self-defense, the ground forces engaged the terrorists, killing three. The terrorists and suspects are believed to be tied the car-bombing network in Baghdad and foreign terrorists facilitators in the Tigris River Valley.

During this operation Coalition forces discovered several caches of weapons, ammunition and military style uniforms in the target area. The weapons were safely destroyed by an expert explosives team on site.

Northeast of Mosul, Coalition forces conducted a precision operation targeting associates of the emir of al-Qaeda in northwestern Iraq and captured five suspected terrorists. One of the suspects is allegedly responsible for arranging vehicles, distributing wages and supplying false documentation for al-Qaeda in Iraq members. He and one other suspect are believed to be brothers of the emir.

Two Coalition forces operations in Baghdad and the northern belt targeted key operatives of al-Qaeda in Iraq. One suspected terrorist was detained in Baghdad and another west of Tarmiyah.

“Terrorists who commit murderous acts against the people of Iraq have no place in this country’s future,” said Maj. Winfield Danielson, MNF-I spokesman. “We will remain on the offensive and root them out of their hiding places.”

10 terrorists killed, 22 suspects detained during operations targeting al-Qaeda
– Coalition forces killed 10 terrorists and detained 22 suspected terrorists Sunday during operations targeting al-Qaeda in Iraq in the central part of the country.

Southwest of Kirkuk, Coalition forces targeted an alleged emir of foreign terrorists for the Kirkuk province. As the ground forces secured the area, several armed individuals engaged Coalition forces. Responding in self-defense, the ground forces engaged the men and called in close air support, killing eight terrorists, some of whom were wearing military style assault vests. Inside one of the buildings at the target area, Coalition forces found a cache of weapons and military style assault vests that were safely destroyed by an expert explosives team. Iraqis on the scene said that six of the terrorists killed were foreign.

In another operation Coalition forces targeted an al-Qaeda in Iraq senior leader for foreign terrorist facilitation and involvement in a kidnapping network northeast of Samarra. When the ground forces approached the target building, they received small-arms fire. Coalition forces called for the occupants to come out of the target building and continued to be engaged. Responding in self-defense, ground forces engaged the terrorists, killing two. Additionally, two suspected terrorists were detained during the operation.

West of Tarmiyah, Coalition forces targeted associates of an al-Qaeda in Iraq military emir of the northern belts around Baghdad. The ground forces detained seven suspected terrorists during the operations. One individual is believed to be associated with an al-Qaeda in Iraq senior leader responsible for weapons supply in the northern belt of Baghdad. During the operation, Coalition forces discovered military style assault vests, weapons and ammunition, and destroyed them on site.

Coalition forces conducted three operations targeting al-Qaeda in Iraq leaders near Tikirt. Coalition forces detained eight suspected terrorists, including a suspected terrorist believed to be involved in the car-bombing network and in numerous attacks against Coalition forces and Iraqi security forces.

Further south, Coalition forces targeted another al-Qaeda in Iraq senior leader involved in the car-bombing network in Baghdad. Five suspected terrorists were detained.

“Iraqi and Coalition forces continue to go after terrorists who threaten Iraq’s security,” said Maj. Winfield Danielson, MNF-I spokesman. “We’re applying the pressure so the terrorist cells cannot recover and carry out their brutal attacks.”


3 people have spoken:

Fatso said...

Evil and wicked filth! And all in the name of the Religion of Peace!

I think that all Muslims in the UK should be herded into cinemas and forced to watch this and other disgusting acts done in the name of the religion of peace.

If you remember your history this is exactly what the German civilian population were forced to do after WW2 - i.e. see films of what the NAZIs did. The same should be done to Muslims so they realise just what a sick and disgusting "cult" they belong to.

Fidothedog said...

Whats lost on the anti war crowd is that the in fighting is 99.9% moslems killing moslems.

Sunni V Shia, and so on and so forth.

Anonymous said...

Robert Carlo, you seem to be almost Islamaphobic.
Of course, christians killing is much sweeter, they have aircraft and tanks, which they have used to great effect when killing muslims.
Let`s not forget just how many millions and millions of christians have been butchered by christians.
Then there was the invasion of Russia, 22 million atheists slaughtered by "evil filthy " christian wallahas.