

The National Debt Clock.

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Gordon Brown

It has been reported that unelected PM Gordon Brown has paid a visit to the fire hit Marsden Hospital.

Lets just hope that Gordon left his nose alone before shaking hands with patients and staff.

Part of the Royal Marsden Hospital in west London was handed back to staff this morning after the renowned cancer treatment centre was damaged by fire in what was described by the Prime Minister as “one of the biggest emergencies that the health service has ever seen”....

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4 people have spoken:

MathewK said...

But Fido, it doesn't matter if the taxes have go up, think of all the services, so what if they are inefficient and reward the parasites, just need to be seen to do good, not actually do any good. *spit*

Fidothedog said...

Agreed, an so much is used to reward socalist parasites here in the UK

A Free Man said...

Just to be boring and state the obvious, Prime Ministers are not elected, except as local MPs, they are appointed by the Queen. I know, petty, but that the way the consitution in this country works. I don't particularly care that a PM is not 'elected', my problem is with an incompetent bufoon such as Brown being PM.

I would be delighted if we never had to elect another useless rabble into Parliament ever again. If the Queen went a bit mad and disolved Parliament for good and told us she would not bother calling an election for the foreseeable future, how cool would that be?

No more slimeball politicians justifying their money, their failures and no more do gooders trying to change us inside out!

The problem is Parliament, the problem is that we think we need it! We don't!

Fidothedog said...

True HM Queen does that, but he still got the damn job without any say so off of the people.

Damn that one eye'd cock jockey to hell and back.