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New Labour moralizing. New "responsibilities" in order to get healthcare.

And we are off, 2008 has just started and New Labour are starting with the state control over the masses already. This kind of shit is what we can expect through out the year.

In a New Year message to NHS staff, the Prime Minister indicates people may have to fulfil new "responsibilities" in order to establish their entitlement to care.
Patients could be required to stop smoking, take exercise or lose weight before they can be treated on the National Health Service, Gordon Brown has suggested.

In a New Year message to NHS staff, the Prime Minister indicates people may have to fulfil new "responsibilities" in order to establish their entitlement to care.
A quick note here to Gordon we are already entitled to use of the NHS, as well we all pay towards it through our taxes. Besides the NHS was set up to be free at point of use, not free but that depends if we think you are doing enough to deserve it.

Everything the state touches it fucks up, treat people like adults and things would run a lot better in this nation.

Mind you this is just New Labour wankspeak, they mean to hit people who they dis-aprove of, so people who have eaten a few to many pies will be lectured, plus the smokers will be lectured but and this is the point here: New Labour are not serious about this, its token politics of the shittiest order.

If they wanted to stop people clogging up the NHS who show no fucking responsibility they would be talking of stopping treatment for drug users, they would be talking of stopping treatment for alcoholics and others who have a self inflicted lifestyle choice.

However they are seen by many on the left as "victims", the benefits system actually rewarding them for their lifestyle choice, so far easier to hit the fat people and smokers than those who really need a swift kick up the arse.

But they won't do that as that would require far more effort and willpower and that is something that this gutless, amoral bunch of self serving fucktards lack.

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