

The National Debt Clock.

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Harriet Harman is full of shit: re people calling up Gordon Brown for advise.

OK Harriet, you go on TV and attempt to spoon feed the electorate the shit that people are on the phone to our glorious one eyed leader asking his all seeing, all knowing advice? Well prove it.

Name one, just one that has called up Brown to ask how to fuck up their economy as well as ours. Can't be difficult from a large list, so come on Harman list the names.

Hell, I say it here that you, like the one eyed leader are full of shit. In short that you are lying your ass off. That no world leader or economic adviser of even the worst place on Earth would ask Gordon's advice on anything.

She said:
"You know, people ring up Gordon Brown to get advice from all around the world on economic circumstances."
Harriet Harman is talking through her cunt.

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

I believe her!!!

It’s a new worldwide phenomenon called "Ask Jonah".

And whatever he advises you to do - you do exactly the fucking opposite, or face complete financial meltdown!!!

That about sums his "brilliance" up I think!!

Anonymous said...

They are probably phoning up asking he to visit them. It seems every time he steps out the country he hand them loads of our money. or could be they are asking him if he wants to flog some more gold?