Galloway (on Syrian TV, July 31, 2005): Mr. Blair is using this crime and all these dead people as a justification for this absurd idea of a war on terrorism. "Terror" is a word... Terror is a tactic, it's not a strategy. The idea that Muslims have some kind of sickness in their bodies, which must be cured, which is the idea behind Bush, behind Mr. Blair, and behind Mr. Berlusconi's government in Italy - It must be resisted. It's not the Muslims who are sick. It's Bush and Blair and Berlusconi who are sick. It's not the Muslims who need to be cured. It's the imperialist countries that need to be cured.
OK...now at this point I have taken time to calm my ass down. As a Brit I am ashamed that this untermention has a place in the hallowed house of commons. I was brought up to respect the vote and will of the people and yet Gallow makes a sick and perverted joke of all that.
Our soldiers have no choice as to the war, having taken the Queens shilling as the old saying go's they have to go where they are sent, and for Galloway to say they are criminals for doing their job disgusts me.
Should a solider refuse to obey he becomes a coward, gets a dishonable discharge and becomes a social outcast for the rest of his life. Easy for Galloway on his MP's salery to crow about the rights and wrongs of that, but should some member of HM's armed forces wish to quit would Galloway put the money up to defend them and keep the now ex soldier at their former standard of living?
Somehow I think not. I would ask Galloway to do the honorable thing but I feel he lacks the guts to pull the trigger.
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