LONDON, England (CNN)—British Prime Minister Tony Blair has announced new measures to deport and exclude from UK for those advocating hatred and violence. Blair, speaking nearly a month after deadly bombings on London’s transit system, said Friday the UK’s human rights act would be amended if necessary to counter Islamic extremists. The government also plans to draw up a list of extremist Web sites, book shops and organizations that promote these extremists, he said.
“Let no one be in any doubt that the rules of the game are changing,” Blair told a London news conference, his last before breaking for a summer holiday. The prime minister said the Government plans a one-month consultation period to determine new criteria for excluding and deporting people from Britain.
“We will establish, with the Muslim community, a commission to advise on how, consistent with people’s complete freedom to worship in the way they want, and to follow their own religion and culture, there is better integration of those parts of the community presently inadequately integrated,” Blair said.
Blair said new legislation, which is expected to be passed by the end of the year, will also outlaw “indirect incitement” of terrorism. The measure is seen as an effort to crack down on extremist Islamic clerics who glorify acts of terrorism. In addition, the law would ban the training of terrorist techniques in Britain or in any other country.
“This is not, in any way whatever, aimed at the decent law-abiding Muslim community of Britain,” Blair said. “But if you come to this country from abroad, then don’t meddle in extremism,” he said. “Because if you meddle in it, and engage in it, you’re going back out again.”
Blair named two radical Islamic groups that would be banned from operating in Britain—Hizb ut-Tahrir and the successor organization to al Muhajiroun. Later, a spokesman for Hizb ut-Tahrir said the ban would stifle “legitimate political dissent.” “There will be serious repercussions in terms of community relations if this ban goes ahead,” Imran Waheed told the UK’s Press Association. “We have a lot of support among the Muslim community in Britain and it will be seen by the Muslim community as stifling legitimate political dissent."
Funny thing .. I don’t recall bombing innocent civilians as classified under “legitimate political dissent”. If the Muslims keep on denying that they’re doing wrong and they have a “right” blow up people, the mosques will start burning sooner than they think. They better wake up and smell the coffee before they wind up on a one-way flight back to the Middle East .. if they’re lucky.
(again I say lets nuke these sub human raghead carpet kissers off the map)
Class Act E-Mail of the Day: Arabic Assassin
By Debbie Schlussel
Recently, I wrote about Bassam Khalaf a/k/a "Arabic Assassin," the finally-fired TSA screener/rapper who sympathizes with Al-Qaeda, warned that 9/11 will happen again on 9/11/05, and called for more terrorist attacks.
I wrote about Khalaf's "classy" rap lyrics in which he fantasizes about raping Christians, Blacks, and little girls, burns a nun to death, beats a priest, and rapes a woman who filed a sexual harassment complaint about him (after he kills her--he rapes her dead body in the coffin). He attacks Blacks, Christians, and Jews.
Well, no-one can accuse Khalaf of being inconsistent. Here is the e-mail he just sent me. As you can see, he is a proud graduate of the Emily Bin Laden School of Etiquette, whose alumni send me such classy e-mails on a regular basis to remind me why we are fighting a cultural war to take back our country and defend Western values. Nice grammar, too. How nice that this creep was checking your bags (and those of the terrorists with whom he sympathizes) for over SIX MONTHS!
Since he sent his phone number and e-mail address, let the "Arabic Assassin" know what you think of him.
--- Bassam Khalaf bonethugsnharmony5@yahoo.com
> Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2005 12:55:53 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Bassam Khalaf bonethugsnharmony5@yahoo.com
> Subject: arabic assassin
> To: dschlussel@yahoo.com
> INTERCOURSE. 281-701-6746
In the aftermath of the terror attacks on our nation's capital BNP writers and spokesmen on this website have repeatedly called for calm, but also for more than the shallow soundbites and liberal wishful thinking that passes for political debate and policy proposals among the old parties.
The London Massacre has tragically brought home to the entire country the terrible price ordinary people are now having to pay for the combination of the failed multi-cultural experiment, doubled up with Tony Blair's decision to involve Britain in a war that had nothing to do with us. The first step in finding a solution to any problem is to get the roots of that problem.
While the politicians of all the other parties repeat the empty soundbites of the Government's BBC lie machine, the British National Party explains the truth about Islamic terrorism, lays out the things that must be done to beat it, and continues to cover other important issues that might otherwise pass unnoticed as New Labour once again makes use of tragedy to "bury bad news."
fom http://nicedoggie.net/
We Stand With Britain
August 05, 2005
Sometimes, It Takes a Damn Socialist...
How heartening to learn that Tony Blair is coming to his senses.
How even more heartening it would be if our own President "Hope and Compassion for Child Murderers" Bush would start taking notes, but that's not likely to happen any time soon.
At least not as long as there's still a mosque in the United States the floor of which he has yet to lick.
LONDON, Aug. 5 - After years of taunts that Britain offered easy sanctuary to Muslim extremists, Prime Minister Tony Blair promised new anti-terrorism measures today to close down mosques and ban or deport clerics deemed to be fostering hatred and violence.
"Let no one be in any doubt," he told a news conference, "the rules of the game are changing."
And about fookin' time too. Now be a good lad and send a copy of the new rule book to the White House, att.: President Limp Noodle, and be sure to include lots of pictures. Like this one:
Russian children murdered by President Bush's "Religion of Peace".
Hopefully President "Hope and Compassion" won't feel immediately compelled to french kiss an imam after that one, though we're not too sure. He seems to have an unlimited reservoir of understanding and restraint when it comes to child murderers.
The British moves, part of an ongoing debate about the balance between civil liberties and national security, seemed to nudge Britain closer to the hardline attitudes against perceived extremists that emerged in the United States after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
Did we miss a memo again? So far, the only "hardline attitudes" we've seen from our dickless Administration is debating whether Duck a l'Orange should be served two or three times a week to the murdering ragheads at Gitmo.
Mr. Blair said two Islamic groups - Hizb ut Tahrir and successor groups to Al Muhajiroun - would be banned.
Can we have three cheers for Mr. Blair, please?
In the meantime, we in the U.S. are waiting breathlessly for the moment when Mineta's Morons stop wasting time frisking octogenarian ladies from Ohio in order to not offend the precious feelings of the scum that seek to kill us.
"We will consult on a new power to order closure of a place of worship which is used as a center for fomenting extremism and will consult with Muslim leaders in respect of those clerics who are not British citizens, to draw up a list of those not suitable to preach who will be excluded from Britain," Mr. Blair said.
How about excluding them from humanity with an empty cartridge hammered into the back of their heads?
Imran Waheed, a spokesman for Hizb ut Tahrir, which says it supports a non-violent campaign supporting the revival of the Islamic caliphate, said the move to outlaw it would cause "serious repercussions" among British Muslims and "will be seen by the Muslim community as stifling legitimate political dissent."
Shut up, you goat-fucking tosser, and scamper the fuck back to your cave. If your so-called "legitimate political dissent" includes preaching death and destruction to the "infidels", you're hereby put on notice that a bullet to the head constitutes "legitimate response".
"Coming to Britain is not a right," Mr. Blair said. "And even when people have come here, staying here carries with it a duty. That duty is to share and support the values that sustain the British way of life. Those that break that duty and try to incite hatred or engage in violence against our country and its people have no place here."
Too fucking right, Tone!
Again, would you PLEASE share this newfound wisdom with our limp-assed President? You may employ a mace, a bat, a broadsword or a 50 tonne weight as teaching aids if you fail to get through the first time, we don't care.
(My view kick him out plus the millions of barbarian carpet kissers over here.)
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