** First off I have heard that although some people in this corrupt Govt, consider the deportation of terrorists a dead duck and have stated that it will not be happening, we seem to be hearing a different view from the Home Sec. Now it may be cynical but I think that although they are talking about kicking out the islamofascists back to what ever country will have them, they would much rather the whole matter just went away. A case of talking tough and doing nothing, just hope the public forget about it. It seems strange that we have the same human rights laws as the rest of the EU, yet Italy and other EU countries can remove suspect people in a matter of hours, and yet we are not in the middle of September and not a single follower of Jihad has been kicked out. We shall wait and see, yet I cant see it happening any time soon, if ever! Central-South troops seize weapons and ammunition The cache contained 22 machine guns, more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition, magazines, and other military equipment. Thousands of suicide bombers ready? Would not put it past them. www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/09/12/germany.suicide.bombers.ap/ Guenther Beckstein, currently interior minister in the German state of Bavaria, said on Monday in an interview with the online Netzeitung newspaper that he was worried small cells of "fanatics" could prepare attacks without detection. "In Germany we have between 3,000 and 5,000 of these Islamists who are prepared to use violence and do not shrink from suicide attacks," Beckstein was quoted as saying. He said they included individuals who are ready to fight in Iraq and Chechnya. Beckstein is widely tipped to become federal interior minister, the country's top security post, if opposition conservatives win Sunday's parliamentary elections. Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's Social Democrats are trailing in the polls. Beckstein, a member of the conservative Bavaria-only Christian Social Union, argues that security laws toughened after the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States are still too soft. At last Indonesia gets tough on terror. www.edition.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/asiapcf/09/13/indonesia.militant.ap/ JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -- An Indonesian militant has been sentenced to death for helping plan and carry out last year's suicide bombing at the Australian Embassy -- the harshest penalty yet over the attack that killed 10 people. Iwan Darmawan, 30, said Tuesday he would appeal the verdict, which was the latest in a series of tough sentences against militants found guilty of terror attacks in the world's most populous Muslim nation. "Your punishment will be worse than mine," Darmawan shouted as he was being led to a prison van. Presiding Judge Roki Panjaitan said Darmawan surveyed the heavily fortified mission three times before the truck bombing and bought the explosives used in the attack, which killed mostly Indonesian passers-by and guards. The judge repeated allegations that the attack was funded by al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden and was carried out "to avenge the slaughter of Muslims by America and its allies in Iraq." Gotcha!www.centcom.mil/CENTCOMNews/news_release.asp?NewsRelease=20050933.txt/ Baghdad, Iraq -- Coalition Forces captured a known terrorist during a raid in Haditha Sept. 13 at approximately 2:30 a.m. The terrorist, known to have connections with senior leaders of al-Qaida in Iraq, was captured at a safe house without incident. During the operation, terrorists associated with the detainee converged on the safe house. Coalition Forces engaged the terrorists and called in close air support. Coalition aircraft destroyed one of the vehicles being used by one of the terrorists. Four Terrorists were killed during the engagements. There were no Coalition Forces casualties. "The military bureau of Jaish al-Taefa al-Mansura (Army of the Victorious Community) has decided to strike strategic and sensitive targets belonging to the (US) forces of occupation and apostates (Iraqi government forces) in Baghdad, with non-conventional and chemical weapons" unless the Tal Afar operation is called off, the Internet statement said Sunday. ... The US military said it expected to wrap up the operation by September 15. The Internet statement, whose authenticity could not be verified, said weapons "developed by the mujahedeen (holy warriors)," would be used "unless the armed onslaught against the city of Tal Afar stops within 24 hours." It was posted on one of the Islamist websites used by the group of Al-Qaeda's frontman in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, and the Army of Ansar al-Sunna, another insurgent group linked to the Al-Qaeda network. ** Yeah well if they had them you can bet they would have used them against our troops already, seems a desperate wailing from the losing side who are taking a mighty pummelling from the coalition/Iraqi anti-jihad machine. God knows those nutjobs have been desperate to get wmd for a hell of a long time. www.news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20050911/wl_mideast_afp/iraqunrestqaeda_050911155132/ (found this on clarity and resolve and it had sumed up what I feel about the desecration of the synagogues) Hours after thousands of Palestinians desecrated synagogues in Gaza, setting them on fire and taking buildings apart by hand, members of the Palestinian terror group Hamas, headed by senior Hamas chief Mahmoud Zahar, arrived at the synagogue in Kfar Darom and held a Muslim prayer session at the site. Ahmad Jabari, another senior figure in Hamas, said that Hamas would continue to attack Israel. “The withdrawal proves that the resistance is the only legitimate weapon. We will strike at any hand that reaches for our weapons,” said Jabari. Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom slammed the burning of Gaza synagogues, characterizing it as “a barbaric act by people who have no respect for holy places.” (Ok more good news on the coalition making things safe for the Iraqi people) Operation Zoba’a (Cyclone) began in the early morning hours with the objectives of rooting out Al Qaeda in Iraq terrorists operating within the area and disrupting terrorist support systems in and around the city. For the past several months, terrorists within Rutbah have escalated their intimidation and murder campaign against the local populace and city government officials. The resulting effect was an increased ability to move freely within the area and a base for them to launch attacks against innocent civilians, Iraqi Security Forces and Coalition Forces. Pakistan's army destroyed a major al-Qaida hide-out and arrested 21 suspected militants, including foreigners, and a government official accused of helping them in a remote northwestern tribal region near Afghanistan, a military commander said Tuesday. During the four-day operation, thousands of troops seized a cache of weapons, including bombs, detonators and rockets; communications equipment used to exchange messages with militants in Afghanistan; and propaganda CDs and literature. The operation coincided with a visit by President Gen. Pervez Musharraf to the U.N. summit in New York. "It is the biggest-ever operation, which is still going on in North Waziristan," Lt. Gen. Safdar Hussain, the top army commander responsible for anti-terrorism operations in northwestern Pakistan, told a news conference. "As a result of this operation, a center of al-Qaida and terrorists has been destroyed and the back of al-Qaida and terrorists has been broken in the tribal areas because terrorist activities were carried out from here." Hussain said foreigners and "some important men are included among the captured people," although he would not elaborate. Although Musharraf is an ally of Washington, his government has been criticized by American, Afghan and U.N. officials over cross-border militant attacks at targets inside neighboring Afghanistan. Violence has escalated there ahead of key parliamentary elections set for Sept. 18. Musharraf says he has offered to build a security fence at the border to deter incursions by militants and drug traffickers from Afghanistan. The latest operation came in the same area where suspected militants slit the throats of three people Monday and threw their bodies in a drain in a village east of Miran Shah on suspicion they were spies. According to residents and officials, a note pinned on one victim said, "Anybody who works as a spy for America will have to face the same fate." Militants in the past three years are believed to have killed about 70 tribal elders and their associates for helping the Pakistan army's counterterrorism operations. Hussain said more than 3,500 troops backed by helicopter gunships were dispatched Tuesday to three areas of North Waziristan after confirmation of reports that al-Qaida militants were hiding there. Some of those arrested were from at a compound near a religious school set up by senior Taliban commander Jalaluddin Haqqani, he said. Hussain said Haqqani's driver — caught this week in Miran Shah, the main town in North Waziristan — led the military to the compound, which was being used to send messages inside Afghanistan in Arabic and Pashtu, the language spoken by most Taliban. "We dismantled this communication center and seized a large number of CDs and communication equipment," Hussain said. Troops also arrested a junior government official from North Waziristan and a close relative of Maulana Nek Zaman, a lawmaker from a religious party, on suspicion of helping terrorists, he said.
Camp Echo , Iraq – Multi-National Division Central-South units along with Iraqi security forces seized a weapons cache in Wasit province Sept. 12.
BERLIN, Germany (AP) -- Germany is home to between 3,000 and 5,000 potential Islamic suicide attackers, a senior security official touted as the country's next interior minister has been quoted as saying.
Islamonazis threaten to use chemical weapons.
“The jihad and the resistance are the only ways to liberate our homeland, not negotiations and agreements,” said Jabari. The Hamas leader ruled out the possibility that Hamas members would join Palestinian security forces, saying, “we will never be part of that corrupt Authority,” before waving his gun. ...
CAMP BLUE DIAMOND, AR RAMADI, Iraq -- Iraqi Security Forces and Coalition Forces have launched a cordon and search operation against a known terrorist safe haven in the western Al Anbar province town of Rutbah.
(09-13) 08:43 PDT PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) -- www. sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2005/09/13/international/i080809D04.DTL/
A quote from Jessie Jacksons dog!

A very good cartoon on the pc nonsense being spouted by Jessie Jackson and the like, about the flooding in the USA.
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