Al Qaeda in Iraq Emir of Sadah bagged
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Multi-National Forces used multiple intelligence sources and tips from concerned citizens to locate a known al Qaeda in Iraq safe house harboring terrorists and foreign fighters Nov. 7.
Upon arrival at the terrorist safe house, Multi-National Forces detained numerous terrorists and foreign fighters; among them was Sadiq Ayadah Husayn Matar (aka Abu Ahmed), the al Qaeda in Iraq Emir of Sadah.
Abu Ahmed admitted to being the al Qaeda in Iraq Emir of Sadah. He was responsible for all terrorist operations in Sadah. He also coordinated and conducted terrorist operations in the surrounding areas within the al Qaim region. He was in charge of directing, planning and executing bombing, mortar attacks, and ambushes against Iraqi security and Coalition Forces.
Abu Ahmed, as one of the five senior al Qaeda in Iraq terrorist leaders in the al Qaim region, which includes Husaybah, Karabilah, Sadah, Ubaydi, and al Qaim, was connected to numerous al Qaeda in Iraq senior terrorist leaders. He admitted associations, as well as conducting coordinated terrorist operations, with other senior terrorists and foreign fighters in the region. These senior terrorists were responsible for all terrorist and foreign fighter activities in the region to include the smuggling of foreign fighters into the al Qaim region from Syria.
Iraqi and Band of Brothers Soldiers seize weapons
TIKRIT, Iraq – Iraqi and U.S. Soldiers found and disposed of four weapons caches and an IED Nov. 14 in north central Iraq with the help of several local citizens.
In the largest discovery of the day, Soldiers from the 2nd Brigade, 5th Division of the Iraqi Army seized 38 120mm mortar rounds and other military hardware near Baqubah after receiving a tip from an area resident.
A patrol from the 720th Military Police Battalion received assistance from several Iraqi children in Ad Dujayl. The children led the MPs to two caches of detonating fuses that were removed by an explosive ordnance disposal team.
A Balad citizen led a patrol from the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team to an IED that had been assembled in a field, awaiting emplacement. The IED was made from two large mortar rounds.
Near Kirkuk, troops from the 101st Airborne Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team turned up 13 mortar rounds after receiving a lead from the Provisional Joint Coordination Cell.
Task Force Band of Brothers Soldiers also unearthed and disposed of two rocket-propelled grenade rounds, two hand grenades and 500 rounds of small-arms ammunition near Samarra.
U.S. Soldiers survive 14 IEDs without a scratch
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Soldiers of 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division uncovered a number of improvised explosive devices and engaged anti-Iraqi forces in southwest Baghdad Nov. 13.
By the end of the day, a total of 14 IEDs had either detonated or been found and destroyed by brigade Soldiers. There were no U.S. injuries or deaths in any of the incidents.
Troops from D Company, 1st Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment, discovered the first IED buried in a road south of Baghdad. The patrol followed wires from the IED to find a two-man firing point. The Soldiers engaged the terrorists, and killed one of them. A second IED was also found in the vicinity.
In 2nd Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment’s area of operation, Soldiers from A Company discovered three IEDs while on patrol. One of the IEDs was detonated as the troops secured the area and searched for a trigger-man.
As dismounted patrols moved through the area securing the site, an additional eight IEDs were detonated in their area.
Another IED was detonated while the same company searched a house in the area. Anti-Iraqi forces attacked the patrol with mortar fire and small-arms fire.
Attack aviation on the scene engaged and destroyed a truck seen fleeing from the site, killing one terrorist as he tried to escape.
Elsewhere, Soldiers stopped another vehicle trying to flee the area. One terror suspect was detained for further questioning.
While searching the area, Soldiers also found a cache of 18 155-millimeter rounds. An explosives ordnance disposal team later destroyed the munitions.
Soldiers discover cache near Iskandariyah
FORWARD OPERATING BASE KALSU, Iraq – Soldiers of the 1st Battalion 155th Infantry, 155th Brigade Combat Team, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), discovered a weapons cache in an area west of Iskandariyah Nov.13th
Troops seized and subsequently destroyed 287 82 mm mortar rounds.
Five individuals suspected of insurgent activity were detained in conjunction with the weapons cache seizure.
The 155th BCT is a U.S. Army unit assigned to the II Marine Expeditionary Force (FWD) in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Steel Curtain continues in Ubaydi
CAMP BLUE DIAMOND, AR RAMADI, Iraq –Iraqi Army soldiers and Marines, Soldiers and Sailors with Regimental Combat Team –2 continue Operation Al Hajip Elfulathi (Steel Curtain) in the town of Ubaydi Nov. 15.
It is suspected that many of the terrorists who are now fighting in Ubaydi fled from Husaybah and Karabilah, the first two cities that were secured by Iraqi and Coalition Forces at the beginning of the operation. While the fighting has been sporadic, it has been characterized by commanders on the ground as some of the heaviest since Operation Steel Curtain began Nov. 5. Intelligence reports indicate that the strong resistance to the Iraqi and Coalition push into the city is due in large part to the fact that terrorists believe they are trapped and have nowhere else to go.
An additional 30 terrorists have been killed since last night, for an overall total of approximately 80 killed since entering the city yesterday morning. Most of those terrorists were targeted by coalition air strikes, although some were killed in direct small-arms fire engagements with Iraqi and Coalition Forces on the ground.
Iraqi and Coalition Forces continue to clear the city house-by-house, occasionally encountering buildings that are rigged with explosives and triggered to detonate upon entering the building. Numerous weapons caches have also been seized, to include several that contained suicide vests and bomb making material. Overall, there have been 36 weapons caches found and destroyed during Operation Steel Curtain.
Iraqi and Coalition Forces have also discovered numerous improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and mines during the operation, the vast majority of which were destroyed by Coalition Forces before they could inflict any damage. The precise locations of many IEDs were revealed by detained terrorists. There have been a total of 107 IEDs and mines discovered during the course of Operation Steel Curtain.
Several detainees were captured trying to sneak out of the area by crawling among a flock of sheep. Overall, there have been approximately 150 terrorists detained since Operation Steel Curtain began 10 days ago.
Ubaydi is located on the banks of the Euphrates River, 20 km from the Syrian border and separated into two main areas, Old and New Ubaydi. Old Ubaydi has been cleared and now the Iraqi Army and Coalition forces are focusing on clearing the al-Qaeda in Iraq stronghold of New Ubaydi.
The intent of Operation Steel Curtain is to restore Iraqi sovereign control along the Iraq-Syria border and destroy the al Qaeda in Iraq terrorists operating throughout the Al Qa’im region. The towns of Husaybah and Karabilah were cleared earlier in the operation which began Nov. 5 and a permanent security presence has been established. Approximately 1,000 Iraqi Army soldiers and 2,500 Marines, Soldiers and Sailors are participating in Operation Steel Curtain.
This offensive is part of the larger Operation Sayaid (Hunter), designed to prevent al Qaeda in Iraq from operating in the Euphrates River Valley and throughout Al Anbar and to establish a permanent Iraqi Army presence in the Al Qa’im region.
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