** Well I can hardly believe that the gutless shower of cowards who run this nation has agreed to kick out some untermenchen savage that was spouting hate. Still I wont believe it until this turd has been flushed out of the UK.
At the Bow Street hearing, Mr Ahmad's lawyers argued that the court should rule against extradition because
he could face the death penalty in the US.
However, the US embassy provided a diplomatic note saying prosecutors would not ask for Mr Ahmad to be executed if he was convicted.
District judge Timothy Workman concluded that the risk of the death penalty being imposed by a civilian court was "negligible", as was the prospect of Mr Ahmad being held as an enemy combatant at a facility such as Guantánamo Bay.
Speaking at the hearing, the judge said he expected the "difficult and troubling case" would need to be examined by the high court.
Mr Ahmad was first arrested at his home in Tooting, south-west London, in December 2003 by anti-terrorist police.
He was later released without charge but was rearrested in August 2004 after the extradition request from the US. He is currently being held in Woodhill prison, Milton Keynes.
A spokesman for his family said the decision marked "a sad day for Britain and even sadder day for British Muslisms".
He said family members had tried "every legal and democratic means to fight this decision", including protests and a petition with more than 15,000 signatures.
The decision to extradite would send a "message to British Muslims that there is no legal and democratic means to air your concerns ... you must use other ways to get justice".
"If the floodgates for extradition are allowed to be opened, it will be British Muslims that will be targeted - the very people the British government was hoping to win support from in the fight against terrorism," the spokesman added.
Mr Clarke had an initial 60 days in which to approve or reject the judge's decision, and was twice given two-month extensions because of the "complex representations made about the case".
Today, a Home Office statement defended the time it had taken for a decision to be made.
Legal battles surrounding extradition cases have been known to drag on for years, but the Home Office said the new strict time limits introduced in the Extradition Act 2003 were having "positive effects", with many cases being resolved in six months or less.
Britain's longest-serving extradition prisoner is Rachid Ramda, an Algerian wanted in France in connection with the 1995 Paris Metro bombing. He has been in jail in the UK for 10 years, and has been involved in nine separate legal extradition proceedings.
The 2003 Act introduced procedures under which a wanted person has only a single right of appeal to the high court, with a further right of appeal to the House of Lords if leave is granted.
An appeal against Mr Ahmad's extradition could go to the high court on a judicial review application.
While in prison, the former IT worker stood as a candidate in the last general election on a platform opposing the Iraq war and alleging human right abuses by the US and UK.
He contested the London seat of Brent North for Peace and Progress, the human rights party founded by the actors Corin and Vanessa Redgrave.
His election literature called for a tightening of extradition rules and an end to "police brutality and torture".
Speaking at a press conference to launch Mr Ahmad's campaign, Ms Redgrave said that detention without trial and Home Office control orders were "reminiscent of Stalin and gulags".
** Vanessa Redgrave another dumbfuck actor living in an ivory tower more concerned with the rights of terrorists than the real people of this fine nation. Bet you wont ever see her offering aid to the victims of terror though. Oh and if anyone from the US justice dept ever reads this the first beer is on me for getting that animal out of the UK. Oh and we have loads more terrorists that our coward of a PM wont do anything about if you want them. Omar "Pig fucker" Bakri is one I know the US would love to get their hands on, although you yanks would need to rend some fat off his lard arse to get him in one of them cages in Cuba.
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The judge is the same Timmy the Dhimmi Workman who issued an arrest warrant for Israeli General Almog on charges of War Crimes not that long ago...funny how he can order a Jew issued on such serious charges on the grounds that he ordered some houses to be bulldozed but finds the idea of extraditing a Muslim who has actively raised money for terrorism to be 'difficult and troubling'. And these are the people we have ruling on Terrorism cases?
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