** Was using a custom blog template for a while and lo and fucking hold it decided not to allow posting of comments on articles. So I have done a quick change and this time(unlike last time where I had to find half my old links again by scouring the web) managed to save the code for my links to all the cool blogs and sites out there on the interweb. Still at least its up and running and I have got the colour scheme problems fixed from earlier today.
I have gone back to an olde style blog template for now, but will be updating again in the next few days and getting the cool lone voice pic back that Rottweiller Pup did for me(cheers again for that)- need to have some time off for beer and other essentials first though!
Finally cleaned up the links as well so they are all neatly laid out, still got some more to do but again beer and other more inportant stuff await.
Comments will go on now, any problems i can be e-mailed at the usual address. Be good to get some comments again, even if it from looney new age, starbuck drinking, guardian reading, bbc viewing, tree hugging, rampant lefty friends of the islamoloons
Cheers one and all

3 people have spoken:
If you want people to read this you're going to have to change either the colour of the print or the colour of the background
Hey, I'm reading it because it's here.
On the topic of meeting our mates to organise agianst Islam, you might well have found out by now that Red Ken is having a love-fest on 7/7 this year to invite survivors and the families of the dead to London to hold hands with Muslims and sing kumbayah or something.
Red Ken is having a festival of Islam in downtown London to parade Muslims in front of people who were hurt, who lost friends and family to the same people they are now invited to celebrate.
There are many peole at http://jihadwatch.org and http://dhimmiwatch.org who are rightly pissed-off about this, and they want to organise against this travesty, this outrage against Human decency. By God, the very idea of celebrating Muslim killers on 7/7 makes me ill.
If you and your mates can begin to organise against this, count on any support I can lend.
Here in Canada, in Australia, France, and America we held meetings to meet each other face to face, to get to know each other, to discuss how we feel, what we think, to find common ground in our struggle against fascist Islam. We sat at McDonald's diners across the world at 7-9:00 pm wearing blue scarves so we'd know each other. My group sat till 10:30. We'll meet again. You in Britain have a causse that should rally the nation spontaneously, but it will still need someone to make that move. Do what you will, and count on me for anything I can do.
Hail Britannians.
Well you heard it guys and gals are we going to organise or what, to oppose ol Red Ken and his looney pals?
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