Iraqi Army detains terrorists, MND-B Soldiers find weapons caches
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Iraqi Army Soldiers manning a checkpoint in central Baghdad came under attack by Anti-Iraqi Forces Jan. 23.
After firing upon the Soldiers, the terrorists fled in a vehicle. An Iraqi Army patrol received a tip from a local national of the vehicle’s location. The patrol found the vehicle and detained the three suspected terrorists.
The patrol confiscated 9mm rounds and 9,206 Iraqi Dinar.
This incident is under investigation.
Also on Jan. 23, Multi National Division – Baghdad Soldiers found six weapons caches southwest of Baghdad.
The caches consisted of improvised explosive device making material – batteries, wire, blasting caps, five 50-gallon drums, two fuel cans, one propane tank, communications equipment, six AK-47s, a RPK2 rifle, a Dishka heavy machine gun and ammunition.
7-10 Cavalry Soldiers find large cache
TAJI, Iraq -- A patrol from Troop A, 7th Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, found a large weapons cache north of Baghdad about noon Jan. 22.
Responding to a tip, the patrol found a large cache, consisting of a complete 120 mm mortar system, 14 57 mm rockets, 11 152mm artillery rounds, 10 130mm artillery rounds, 19 B-5 rocket fuses, 50 hand grenades and a wide assortment of other ammunition.
“It was a great find,” said Maj. David Olson, the brigade spokesman. “It is great to see people standing up and doing their civic responsibility to help maintain a safe and secure environment for their fellow citizens by providing tips such as this one.”
EOD keeps streets clean in central Baghdad
BAGHDAD, Iraq – The 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal Detachment headed by U.S. Navy Lt. Sam Brasfield continued their success inside the brigade’s area of operations this week.
The three-team detachment successfully responded to 25 calls and eliminated more than 15 Improvised Explosive Devices.
The Detachment also found and destroyed approximately 300 pounds of unexploded ordnance in a continuing effort to rid the streets of the deadly threats.
Joint mission nets 22 detainees
NAJAF, Iraq -- A successful combat operation involving Iraqi army soldiers and Coalition Forces resulted in 22 suspected terrorists detained Jan. 25 north of Najaf.
The mission was spearheaded by 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade, 8th Iraqi Army Division, and 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division Soldiers.
In another event, Soldiers from 2nd Bn., 8th Inf. Rgmt., 2nd BCT, discovered two improvised explosive devices in Haswah. The first IED consisted of two 130mm pressure plates and one 125mm round. The second included one 125mm round.
Explosive ordnance disposal teams removed both IEDs without incident.
MND-B Soldiers detain suspected terrorists, find weapons cache
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Elements of Multi-National Division – Baghdad’s 2nd Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment and Explosive Ordnance Disposal found a roadside bomb south of Baghdad Jan. 25.
EOD performed a controlled detonation of the unexploded ordnance.
Post-blast analysis of the previous bomb strike determined that three daisy-chained charges were placed in oil barrels with 30 to 40 pounds of homemade explosives in each barrel.
There were no injuries or damages in this incident.
MND-B’s 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment discovered a weapons cache late Jan. 25.
The cache consisted of 56 sticks of TNT, one box of .50 caliber rounds, one block of C4 explosive, four 60mm rounds, three individual fuses and one box of fuses.
Soldiers from 2nd Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment conducted a cordon and search based on a tip from a local national Jan. 25.
The patrol found two local nationals whose names and descriptions matched those in the tip, a pistol and a diagrammed location of a planned ambush on Coalition Forces.
The patrol continued to search the house and detained the two local nationals for questioning.
The above incidents are under investigation.
Sheiks meet with 2nd BCT commander
FOB KALSU, Iraq -- Local tribal leaders of the Babil province met here Jan. 22 to discuss issues and concerns within the community.
Col. John Tully, commander, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, and Iraqi Brig. Gen. Qais Hamza, Babil, provincial police chief, took the opportunity to discuss security and project building in the area with more than 15 sheiks.
This event marks the first time a meeting of this caliber was organized since the Warhorse brigade assumed responsibility of the area earlier this month.
“Our main mission is to help the Iraqi army and police establish security in the Babil province,” said Tully, in his opening statement to the forum.
The central and southern parts of the province have seen steady progress over the past three years, and the desire is that the north can soon catch up with the rest of the province, said Sheik Taha Al Janabi. The security there is still in question and it’s anticipated that the pressure being put on terrorists by 2nd BCT Soldiers will result in stability in the area.
Most of the sheiks spoke about the security and how it was important to continue to strive for a good life in Iraq, said Chief Warrant Officer Desi Roberts, information officer, 2nd BCT. Several of them discussed the need for water and road projects and school refurbishment in their tribal area.
With security comes stability, and with stability come investments, projects and jobs, Tully said. He asked the leaders, who have great influence with their villagers, to tell people to stop attacking Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces so stability can materialize.
“Iraqis have accomplished much in the past year and have much to be proud of,” he said. “Every day, more and more Iraqis want to be part of the new government.”
Democracy was a success when we had it in the 1940s, and it was a good era in Iraq history, said Sheik Kader Abass Shided. The spate of elections in 2005 renews hope that those times are on the horizon.
Both Tully and Qais explained to the sheiks how to contact the appropriate people to discuss any problems or issues they may have. Qais set a time when sheiks could come to his office and voice concerns, and Tully talked about bases and battalion leaders in the region available to offer assistance to anyone who needs it.
The group agreed to continue these meetings in the future in order to help move nation and its people in a positive direction.
IED discovered after tip
TIKRIT, Iraq – A tip about men digging on a roadside berm enabled Task Force Band of Brothers Soldiers to find and safely destroy an IED near Samarra Jan. 26.
Soldiers from the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division investigated the report and discovered two large artillery rounds placed in the berm.
The IED was placed along a secondary road rarely used by Coalition Forces.
Most terrorist attacks in the Samarra region result in death or injury to civilians. Tips from local residents have helped Iraqi and coalition forces stop dozens of attacks in the area.
Residents can report information to their local Joint Coordination Cell or directly to security forces. Tipsters remain anonymous and may qualify for an award based on the information they provide.
Weapons caches seized
TIKRIT, Iraq – Iraqi and U.S. troops discovered three small weapons caches in the Nineveh Province Jan. 26.
Soldiers from the 2nd Brigade, 3rd Iraqi Army discovered the first cache while patrolling with U.S. Soldiers from the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment in Tall Afar.
The cache consisted of 10 rocket-propelled grenade warheads, 10 mortar rounds, nine large artillery shells and three mortar tubes. The cache was destroyed by an explosive ordnance disposal team.
Another Iraqi unit found two caches and detained one local man while patrolling in the village of Khwain, south of Mosul. The 3rd Brigade, 2nd Iraqi Army Division Soldiers seized several hundred rounds of small arms ammunition, a light machine gun, several hand grenades, a mortar sight and a pistol.
Migration, problem what problem?
Strangely enough the govt doesnt have figures for the extra costs on the working population or costs in relation to benefits or the extra strain on the NHS. Of course should the govt start looking into the strains hoards of illegal/semi legal migrants put on the services they will be tarred with the rascist tag.
Classic quote of the day: Over in the Commons, they can't wait. The Labour MP Steve Pound promised: "He'll have a saucer of milk waiting for him. And a litter tray."- referring to Mr Tiddles - aka George Galloway.
The Morals of New Labour: article found at http://europhobia.blogspot.com/
You can tell where New Labour has its priorities an Early Day Motion congratulating the Parliamentary Labour Party on its centenary, tabled by Ann Clwydd yesterday and it was already signed by 147 other MPs by 10am the next day. Link EDM 1496
Another Early Day Motion calling for increased government funding for children's hospices to enable them to die with some kind of dignity, tabled by Bob Spink yesterday and - despite apparently having been inspired by a campaign by The Sun - signed thus far by only 2 other MPs. - EDM 1500 Hurrah for our elected officials having their hearts in the right place. Total cunts to a man, well except for the 2 who signed the other motion.
**If anyone from Newport reads this then Jessica Morden our political lightweight all wimmin selected Nu Labour clone that never rebels against the govt and who is rarely seen in the hallowed house has signed EDM 1496, but not EDM 1500. Paul Flynn the shifty bearded libelist - whos picture is on the sidebar and lacks the honour to resign after losing a libel case - he has not signed either EDM.
Iran blocks BBC's Persian language site. Guess that shows that no matter how left wing and trendy you are, no matter how much you support islam, no matter how much you refer to terrorist untermenchen as insurgents fighting the "occupation of Iraq", no matter how much you howl in moral outrage at the US blasting gun toting islamonazis off to meet Allah, no matter how much fluff and lefty spin you put on it....They still hate you for being a kafir and want us all wiped off the map..Iran closes down access to El Beeb.
Silly story of PC madhats in the UK. Firefighters have beeen told not to use new chairs until they have read a 4 page manual issued at the request of a union health and safety representative.
The manual includes a warning that states: "Only personnel who have been instructed in the use of the Calcot reclining chair are allowed to use them." - It gets better - he service said that staff would not be "trained" in how to use them - but admitted there was a ban in place until staff had read the instructions. How do I use that chair again?Sir Ian Blair has lost the plot, saw him on El Beeb whittering on about "institutional racism" in the police. Oh and guess who El Beeb dragged up from under a rock but the gutless rascist slug Lee "white buckra to blame for de poor status of de black folks" Jasper.
This white hater who is a senior advisor to Red Ken (mayor of London and terrorist supporter) on race relations. Well the whole section was Jasper banging on about oppression of blacks, rascist police, rascist this etc etc. This from a man who made his living playing the race card in the UK, feeding off of white liberals guilt trips. Jasper you are a talentless rascist cunt of the first order and I am sure you would be happier living in Zimbabwe with ol Bob Mugabe where you could both grow old dreaming up ways of oppressing white folks.
No week would be complete without a bit on lard arse John Prescott our countrys Deputy PM and total gobshyte, and so here is a bit on his Pathfinder scheme. This is where 168 million has been spent so far on consultants and looks likely to cost the taxpayer over 1.2 billion(although as that is a govt figure you can bet it will end up costing more).
"Perfectly decent historic houses are being condemned on the basis of ten minute external surveys in a blatant abuse of the powers granted under the Housing Act. Householders are being forced out of their beloved homes following minimal and often misinformed consultations...It is the return of the clean sweep, the mass clearances of the fifties and sixties from which we all assumed the lessons had been learned - the buildings are not the cause of the problems."
The article is here at the Tax Payers Alliance: Prescott now wants to buy your home on the cheap. And theres more at Save Britains Heritage:link here.
More waste from the New Labour lovies sipping bottled water at the tax payers expense: Govt pouring our money away on water for the hoards of pen pushers. The Home Office was the worst offender, spending £46,665.34 on bottled water in 2004-05, although the Treasury was unable to separate mineral water from the cost of "teas, coffees and biscuits" which totalled £200,344."
Lastly this man is a knob
The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: ‘The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him...’- blah blah blah.
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