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Norman Kember & Charles Clarke - A Double Dhimmi Award

Well seems that Norman Kember has re appeared on arabic tv, in the now all to common hostage video. There was a bit on the news about him the other day and lots of his fellow terrorist huggers saying that we should all pray for his safe return.

Well no unlike most hostages who are normal people doing a job of work, he was the one who chose to travel to Iraq and try to hug a terrorist and now that they decided to grab him for either political leverage or money or both, we are supposed to feel sorry for him.

This dhimmi asshat got himself into that mess and as far as I am concerned the terrorists can keep him. He wanted to show solidarity with terrorists, well now he is living with them. Norman Kember I now present you with a Jens Byskov dhimmi award.

** Well I said in the title that this was a double dhimmi award, and the other I award to Charles Clarke - Home Sec and talentless fat dhimmi cunt of the first order. Seems that the fat jowled one has decided to open his gapeing maw of a mouth on something other than a subject he knows a lot about (pies, lard, booze and other foodstuffs) ie the Danish cartoons. The big eared one said the following:
"I think that was a serious mistake which you could not imagine happening in other countries ... certainly not in this country. It is a question of respecting others, and that means do not provoke or challenge the deeply-held views of others."
So lets see, lardy thinks that muslim mobs riot, burn down buildings and make death threats
- oh when are we going to see some of those banner carrying koranimals hauled up before the justice by the way? Oh and when are pc plod going to reply to the e-mail complaint that I made on their fancy all singing and dancing website? -, as well as a boycott on Danish goods(Bet the Saudi royals are really missing their Carlsberg by the way) - but its the Danes who have to apologise. The logic of this man is strange to say the least, mind looking at the way he has managed every department Mr Clarke doesnt have a fine record on resolving problems. Lets just hope he heads the fat yowled one heads same way as Robin Cook and dies.

Link to an article on lardy: http://politics.guardian.co.uk/foreignaffairs/story/0,,1726328,00.html

Good link on this http://mreugenides.blogspot.com/
Couple of new links - first off I have added terroristssuck.org, very funny check out the clip of some islamoloon taking on US troops and showing them who's boss! Oh and Velvet Speech, could be the start of a whole new religion....

Some Tags:

Some humour on the cartoons: http://media.putfile.com/Taqiyya78
And the original dhimmi post:

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