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Yvonne Ridley - Dhimmi & Sufferer From Stockholm Syndrome.

First off check out the article at the BBC about Yvonne Ridley a journalist who after being taken captive came down with a dose of mild dhimmitude before this developed into a full blown case of Stockholm Syndrome.

Yes I know the story is a bit old - 2004 - but someone mentioned the woman to me and of course when I see a dhimmi its like a cartoon of Mo(peace be upon him and all that jazz) to a jihadist.

In her artcle on El Beebs site she says about Islam "the biggest and best family in the world". Although they tend not to be that friendly to distant relations ie the other "children of the book"

But theres more convicted felon and jew hating terrorist agaitator Abu Hamza al-Masri she says is "quite sweet really" and says the Taleban have suffered an unfair press. Yes the Taliban, the ones that killed homosexuals in large numbers, repressed woman, carried out ethnic cleansing on minority groups in Afganistan, slaughtered non muslims and gave cover to a certain Mr Osama.

She does the classic dhimmi thing of pointing blame away from Islam spluttering: "There are oppressed women in Muslim countries, but I can take you up the side streets of Tyneside and show you oppressed women there." Yes I am sure you can but at least they have a say in who they marry and have certain rights like being able to vote.

But it gets better, she blathers on with this: Of the Taleban, Ridley says: "I couldn't support what they did or believed in, but they were demonised beyond recognition, because you can't drop bombs on nice people." Well I am not going into that again as I covered the Taliban above and anyone who wants to learn more can simply do a Google search for a wealth of information on the "nice people" who made up the Taliban.

Hang on she answers thoughts that she may suffer from Stockholm Syndrome with this: But she says: "I was horrible to my captors. I spat at them and was rude and refused to eat. It wasn't until I was freed that I became interested in Islam." - Wow that will terrify them I am sure.

After getting back from the "nice people" who made up the lovely Taliban, she went into moonbat mode and joined up with the repulsive amoral reptile George Galloway and his motley crew called Respect. Ridley was placed at the top of the Respect coalition's party list at the 2004 European Elections for the North East England region but was not elected. She stood as the Respect candidate at the Leicester South by-election in 2004. She came in fourth, with 12.7% of the vote. However, when she stood again in the May 2005 general election, her share of the vote dropped to 6.4%. In the local government elections in 2006 she unsucessfully stood for a seat on Westminster council.

Belated it may be but Ridley you get a Jens Byskov dhimmi award.




1 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Have you ever considered opening your eyes and actually looking at the truth? No, oh, alright then.