First up a little bit on the double standards here in the UK, according to the BNP site its leader Nick Griffin is due back in court for a re-run of the failed trail. Apparently the Zanu New Labour party did not get the result they want and so have organised another show trial and have their fingers crossed this time for the right result. They have to attend Leeds Crown Court next Friday for a preliminary hearing. Link: news on the show trial
Such a shame that the government and the CPS did not show half as much effort in tracking down the muslim hate mongers who spat their bigoted bile and hatred of our free society: one law for Nick Griffin and another for muslim hate mongers who threaten us with another 9/11
Watch this - thanks to USS Neverdock for the clip.
Woman hits the nail right on the head. When do the western media ever get outraged over deaths of non muslims? Unless its to play the gutless point of "it would never happen if we had not thrown that nice Mr Saddam out of power."
And some muther fuckers who are now owned by The Great Satan. Roll up jihadists, for free bed and board for each and every one of you awaits at Club Gitmo.
MNF Iraq
Al Qaeda
War on Terror
Iraqi Army
101st Fighting Keyboardist