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More Good News From Iraq

raqi Army Captures Known IED Facilitator

Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO

BAGHDAD – An Iraqi Army unit conducted an early-morning raid Sept. 21 in Najaf to capture a person wanted for facilitating the transport and use of improvised explosive devices against Iraqi and coalition forces.

Units of the 8th Iraqi Army, with coalition advisers, raided the home of a known IED facilitator. Iraqi Army forces entered the home and quickly detained the suspect and two others without further incident. The suspect and his belongings later tested positive for exposure to explosives used in the construction of IEDs.

The operation continues to highlight the successful efforts of the 8th Iraqi Army to combat individuals employing weapons which directly target Iraqi and coalition forces, as they continue to focus on individuals and cells connected to illegal armed groups and insurgent forces operating against the rule of Iraqi law.

Iraqi Army Mounts Raid Against Kidnapper, Murder

Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO

BAGHDAD – A specially trained Iraqi Army unit conducted an early-morning raid Sept. 21 looking for a suspect engaged in kidnapping and murder in Baghdad. The Iraqi unit, with coalition force advisers, surrounded and entered a building believed to hold the suspect. Iraqi forces found the suspect’s passport and five Iraqi citizens inside the building. Citizens who were questioned indicated that the suspect had fled to a building listed as “sensitive,” the National Dialogue headquarters.

Based on the nature of the National Dialogue headquarters, Iraqi Army forces were denied permission to enter the building. In preparing to depart the area, the Iraqi Army unit observed that the building had numerous surveillance cameras affording an unrestricted view of the Iraqi ground force. A machine gun was also emplaced on the roof of the building. Several individuals were seen on the roof in the vicinity of the machine gun. As a protective measure, several lights surrounding the objective area were shot out by Iraqi forces to lower light levels as a precaution against the cameras and machine gun.

The Iraqi force, with coalition advisers, departed without further incident. No individuals were detained during this operation.

Iraqi Police Stop Suicide Bomber

Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO

BAGHDAD – Iraqi police near the northern city of Tal Afar prevented a suicide bomber from killing innocent civilians Thursday by engaging with small arms fire, causing his vest to detonate.

The suspicious individual approached the checkpoint near the Al-Qadisiyah neighborhood and did not comply with the police’s repeated warnings to stop approaching. As the police began to fire at the suicide bomber, the vest detonated, killing the individual.

The police actions thwarted the attack and there were no injuries to innocent civilians or Iraqi Security Forces.

Governor, Brigade Commander discuss way ahead

Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO

BAGHDAD – The commander of 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, Col. Bryan Owens met with Salah ad Din Governor Hamed Hamood Shekti Wednesday at the Provincial Governor’s office in Tikrit where they discussed various issues concerning the future prosperity of the province.

Some of the main topics discussed were about security issues, infrastructure projects and economic development as well as improving coordination between security forces.

“Salah ad Din has great potential for tremendous growth in many areas,” Owens said.

Additionally, Owens and Shekti talked extensively about the steps they would take to protect the population during the holiday of Ramadan. Owens told the governor his Soldiers had received classes about the religious importance of Ramadan, and they were aware of the cultural sensitivities associated with the holy month.

Owens extended his respect toward the Muslim people as they honor Ramadan. “Ramadan is very important to the Iraqi people … like many (of our) holidays,” Owens said.

Owens also commended the Iraqi Security Forces in Salah ad Din for their audacity and independence during recent operations. The governor stated his appreciation for coalition forces in Iraq, thanking them for their partnership and patience as Iraqi Security Forces mature into a self-reliant force.

Iraqi, Coalition Forces discover cache, IEDs, suspects

Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO

BAGHDAD – Iraqi and coalition forces discovered several weapons caches, improvised explosive devices and rounded up multiple suspects during counterinsurgency operations in western Al Anbar, Iraq, Monday and Tuesday.

Five weapons and munitions caches, and multiple IEDs were discovered throughout the region as a result of routine and planned counterinsurgency operations.

The largest cache was discovered Monday in the Euphrates River town of Dulab, located about 120 miles west of Baghdad, which yielded hundreds of 82mm explosive mortar rounds.

These projectile-type munitions are commonly used by anti-Iraqi forces to launch attacks against Iraqi and coalition forces, and are also used to manufacture IEDs.

Furthermore, coalition and Iraqi Security Forces discovered four additional weapons caches with smaller yields, more than 10 IEDs and had multiple engagements with anti-Iraqi forces throughout western Al Anbar Province.

RCT-7 is the U.S. military unit responsible for providing security and mentoring Iraqi Security Forces in western AnbarProvince, an area more than

30,000 square-miles in size which stretches from the Jordanian and Syrian borders; hundreds of miles east of Hit.

Joint statement by Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad and Gen. George W. Casey Jr. on the transfer of Dhi Qar province

BAGHDAD – “Today’s transfer of security responsibility in Dhi Qar province from the Multi National Force–Iraq (MNF-I) to the Government of Iraq and civilian controlled Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) is another sign of progress toward a stable and secure Iraq. Dhi Qar is the second of 18 Provinces to be transitioned. This is an important milestone along the successful path toward Iraq’s capability to govern and protect itself as a sovereign nation.

“The joint decision between the Iraqi Government and the MNF-I to transition security responsibility reflects a satisfactory assessment of the overall threat situation in Dhi Qar, and increased capabilities of the ISF. Additionally, Dhi Qar’s provincial leadership has demonstrated the ability to take the lead in managing its own security and governance duties at the provincial level. Transition terms are in place to facilitate the transfer process, and Coalition forces stand ready to provide assistance if needed.

“As Iraq develops and its needs continue to evolve, so too will the nature of international assistance and investment. The United States remains committed to the development of Dhi Qar province by providing funding for additional humanitarian relief and reconstruction projects. Currently, $8.9M in Economic Support Fund money and $5M in Commander’s Emergency Relief Program funds are programmed for the completion of additional projects in Dhi Qar. Several other provinces are close to meeting the criteria necessary to assume security independence.

“After decades of dictatorship and oppression, the Iraqi people have taken another step toward security self-reliance. With the steadfast support of the Coalition, Iraq is on a path to national unity, improved security, and increasing prosperity that benefits all its citizens.

“May God bless the people of Iraq.”

CCCI convicts 35 insurgents, two sentenced to life imprisonment

BAGHDAD — The Central Criminal Court of Iraq convicted 35 security detainees Sept. 1 to 7 for various crimes including possession of illegal weapons, using forged IDs and illegal border crossing.

The trial court found Farouqh Omar Felayeh Hassan guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to life imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended the defendant after they saw him digging in front of a house where they found rockets, mortars, six AK-47s, more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition, a shotgun, RPG-7 launcher, and one camcorder with video of M2 Bradleys conducting patrols.

The trial court found Mohammed Ali Khuder guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to life imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended the defendant after finding him wearing a suicide bomb vest made up of plastic type explosives and ball bearings.

The trial court found Walid Kalid Saed guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to 30 years imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended him after a search of his house revealed 41 fuses, 10 shotgun shells, 108 82-mm mortars, and three 60-mm mortars.

The trial court found Kasem Amin Hamza guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to 15 years imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended him after finding a rifle with grenade launching capability, bullet-proof vest, RPG sites, and cell phones.

The trial court found Ahmed Aziz Ali Dalaf guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to 15 years imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended him after a search of his home revealed a VBIED, three AK-47s, one sniper rifle, two bags of rifle ammunition, 20 AK-47 magazines, and $5,300.

The trial court found Malik Ali Muhammad Haweri guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to 15 years imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended him after a search of his property revealed one 155mm mortar round and a forged ID card.

The trial court found Hashem Kasim Mohammed Ali Al Asadi and Hyder Kasim Mohammed Ali Al Asadi guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced them each to 15 years imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended them after a search of their house revealed four hand grenades, and small arms ammunition.

The trial court found Muthan’na Felayeh Ali Raja Hamadi and Sabah Abed Ali Raja Hamadi guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced them each to 15 years imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended them after a search of their house revealed a large weapons cache.

The trial court found Saddam Majid Rashid Al Faraji guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to 15 years. Coalition Forces apprehended him after a search revealed several weapons and IED material.

The trial court found Saleh Abdul Latef Saleh Abdul Latif guilty of illegal border crossing, in violation of Article 10 of the Iraqi Passport Law, and sentenced him to 15 years imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended the defendant after he illegally entered Iraq.

The trial court found Asad Khalil Muhammad Yusif guilty of illegal border crossing, in violation of Article 10 of the Iraqi Passport Law, and sentenced him to 15 years imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended the defendant after he illegally entered Iraq.

The trial court found Hussan Jazan Ahmad guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to 15 years imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended him after a search of his home revealed 144 air defense artillery rounds, seven 130mm artillery rounds, one rocket, 226 kilograms of explosives, and one RPG launcher.

The trial court found Yassin Hasson Hamid guilty of attempting to use explosives in violation of Article 345 of the Iraqi Penal Code, and sentenced him to 10 years imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended the defendant after seeing him place an IED and test positive for TNT explosive.

The trial court found Shaker Ateya Gharge, Bahaa Shaker Korge, and Mohamed Sharge Al Janabe guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced them each to 10 years imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended them after a search of their home revealed IED making materials, a large caliber rifle, four AK-47s, shotgun, pistol, and large caliber shells rigged as IEDs.

The trial court found Ahmed Muhamed Badr, Kareem Faiath Abd, Abdul Rahman Sharki, Mansour Ahmed Abd, and Ismael Khalil Abdallah guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced them each to 10 years imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended them after the Iraqi National Guard searched a mosque which revealed ten RPGs, four RPG launchers, eight RPG boosters, an RPK machine gun, and ten AK-47s.

The trial court found Shaker Hassan Siraj Abdullah Ahmed Al-Jabouri guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to 10 years imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended him after he fired at Coalition Forces from his car. A search of the car revealed an RPG and a loaded sniper weapon.

The trial court found Abbas Reshek Aasi guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to 10 years imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended him after a search of his home revealed IED materials, one FAL rifle, three AK-47 rifles, three side arms, four grenades, seven ballistic vests, nine armor piercing RPG rounds, two RPG rounds and three launchers, 24 mortar fuses, one G3 rifle, one 60mm mortar tube and one mortar mount.

The trial court found Ahmed Oukla Hassan guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to 10 years imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended him after a search of his vehicle revealed two rockets and two warheads.

The trial court found Mohammed Mahmoud Hussein guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to 8 years imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended him after a search of his home revealed illegal weapons.

The trial court found Thamir Hamid Naif guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to 6 years imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended him after a search of his chicken pen revealed an RPG launcher.

The trial court found Saadon Kharif guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to 6 years imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended him while fleeing into a field after two IED explosions wounded six Iraqi police officers.

The trial court found Abdul Nassar Ahmel guilty of illegal border crossing, in violation of Article 10 of the Iraqi Passport Law, and sentenced him to 2 years imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended the defendant for not having a valid resident ID card.

The trial court found Emad Abdulah Mishael guilty of forging and using a forged ID, in violation of Articles 292 and 298 of the Iraqi Penal Code, and sentenced him to 18 months imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended the defendant after finding him with a forged ID.

The trial court found Wisam Ali Newar guilty of forging and using a forged ID, in violation of Articles 292 and 298 of the Iraqi Penal Code, and sentenced him to 1 year imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended the defendant after finding him with a forged ID.

The trial court found Yasser Hamid Mohamed Nyssani Alnissani guilty of forging and using a forged ID, in violation of Articles 292 and 298 of the Iraqi Penal Code, and sentenced him to 1 year imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended the defendant after finding him with a forged ID.

The trial court found Khalil Izbar Hamadi Jassem guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to 1 year imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended him after a search of his property revealed four rifles, four AK-47s, and one PPK machine gun.

The trial court found Waleed Badran Saleh guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to 1 year imprisonment. Coalition Forces apprehended him in the area of a sheep pen which had eight AK-47s, approximately 400 rounds of ammunition, five loaded AK-47 magazines, and one submachine gun.

Upon conviction, defendants are transferred to the Iraqi Ministry of Justice to serve their sentences. To date, the CCCI has held 1,484 trials of insurgents suspected of anti-Iraqi and anti-Coalition activities threatening the security of Iraq and targeting MNF-I. These proceedings have resulted in 1,287 individual convictions with sentences ranging up to death.



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