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Omar Bakri - Yet another post on this fat untermenchen.

Yes seems that former dole scum Omar "Hide behind the kufir" Bakri is off on another of his rants, the confused amoral coward has done an internet rant rejoicing over the deaths of RAF servicemen.

Well believe me this is no where near the level that I will be rejoicing when this fat fucktard is shoveling into his long overdue grave. Bakri the coward who calls on all "good muslims" to take up jihad against us in the west, a sniveling fat rat who legged it when he thought he might have to do jail time here in the infidel west, a man still wanted by Syria over a coup plot, a yellow shit who tried to jump ship back to Blighty when Israeli bombs started falling and who claimed that he was just worried about the children back home in the UK(Oh well done again to Israel on that one.)

The controversial cleric said it was "so strange" that the same number of servicemen died as Muslims were arrested, adding: "Allah does certain things. People should get some lessons from it."

He went on: "I was happy at the fact that it is some of the military used to kill Muslims in Afghanistan. I would myself be happy to see them be defeated." - Seems that lardy boy is big on talk yet short on actually getting his fat bloated arse out to the battlefront to take up arms. Indeed looking at pictures of the cleric one can only assume that it would be a good thing for him to do so as he does need to lose a few pound.

Bakri, 48, launched his outburst on a website believed to be read by a number of extremists. He said al Qaida was becoming more popular than ever among young Muslims and had been "more successful" than the United States since September 11.

Speaking from Beirut in Lebanon, where he has lived since being banned from Britain last August, Mr Bakri said: "Al Qaida has been able to generate many British supporters, especially among the youth.

"I said myself, if Britain are going to push these kinds of laws, they're going to have big security problems."

The preacher also revealed he had visited the Jameah Islamiyah Islamic school, being searched by anti-terrorism officers, a number of times on "camps".

He said he felt sorry for Abu Abdullah - an associated of radical cleric Abu Hamza - who has been held in the raids.

Mr Bakri said he believed Mr Abdullah was innocent of terrorist charges. "He has strong views - he speaks strongly against the British government. But he is not involved himself in any terrorist activity," he said.

Mr Bakri said there was "nothing to worry about" at the school in East Sussex. - Well thats all right then, after all we can all sleep at night knowing that lard boy Bakri says its all ok.

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