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Remember Louis J. Nacke: Part of the 2996 project. Ensuring 9/11 is not forgotten.

The media especially here in the UK seems to want to forget all about 9/11 and the events of that terrible day, it is especially important that we do not forget after the events in London on July 7th last year when islamic terrorism hit us here in the UK.

** This post will be up for the next week**

Now the amoral cowards in the media and especially on the left bleat that these terror attacks are somehow our fault, that somehow we are asking for terrorists to hit us again and again and again. This is not the case, the blame is with the terrorists and those who back them alone.

I have covered before on many occasions the view that there is a bias against the victims of these crimes, that the media would rather cover islamic propaganda and put across a biased and one sided view of terrorist attacks.

There is a project where people can sign up to remember this and this can be found at http://www.dcroe.com/2996, or at http://www.dcroe.com/blog.

This asks people to post about one of the people on 9/11 this year to remember them.

As I stated some time back this post is up for September 11th 2006.


Link: Bio of Louis J Nackeg

distribution center director, Kay-Bee Toys Confirmed dead, United Flight 93 - Pennsylvania, airline passenger

Nacke, a distribution center director for Kay-Bee Toys was aboard United Flight 93 on business. Nacke and his wife, Amy, were married last September. They were living with her parents awaiting the completion of their new home near New Hope. An avid weightlifter,he graduated from Ohio State University, and had two teen-age sons from a previous marriage. "He was the kind of guy that everybody liked instantly. Very outgoing, very forward, and proactive," his father-in-law, Robert Weisberg, said. "He was a warm, smiling individual who jumped right into every situation, positive and negative, a guy who couldn't do enough for you."Nacke, a distribution center director for Kay-Bee Toys was aboard United Flight 93 on business. Nacke and his wife, Amy, were married last September. They were living with her parents awaiting the completion of their new home near New Hope. An avid weightlifter,he graduated from Ohio State University, and had two teen-age sons from a previous marriage. "He was the kind of guy that everybody liked instantly. Very outgoing, very forward, and proactive," his father-in-law, Robert Weisberg, said. "He was a warm, smiling individual who jumped right into every situation, positive and negative, a guy who couldn't do enough for you."



2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

The Army handed out a number of medals the other day to some remarkable men. One Capt. Kevin Ivison walked 100 yard yards to defuse a bomb by hand asuming he'd die, through the jeers and catcalls of Iraqis who he was attempting to save.
On duty in Afghanistan, Corporal Mark Wright was killed actually running through a minefield to call for air support when members of his patrol were blown up.
Lots of heroes to acknowledge and pay tribute to at a time when it seems we're in a world consumed by Big Brother inanity on public TV and failing standards in school.
But I do feel as much as I admire your site that I have to say that in the video you link to here, it keeps asking if we remember the Twin Towers and how much we hurt then. No one will ever forget it. But by dwelling on the wound it just seems that America now is full of so much self-pity rather than old-time quiet determination, that it sees no problem with flailing about and smashing everything. We knew then Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 as the US SEnate has finally acknowledged, and while you're right to accentuate positives, the place is f*cked. I'm assuming you won't be visiting anytime soon. And what the hell are we having to send such heroes in a pressurecooker like Afghanistan which history constantly shows to be a death trap for armies WITHOUT THE MEN, MONEY, EQUIPMENT OR SUPPORT?!

Anonymous said...

God bless them all. The video is an excellent idea because we need to be reminded every day what happened to us. Not because of anything we did, but because of who we are and what we represent... freedom.

Our God gives us freedom of choice, to choose to accept him, to follow him, or not. Our God set the example of the true love, to give HIS life for His people, His creation, so we would not have to. All this is in comparison to their god, who asks his followers not to save lives but to take them, not to love but to hate.

We should never forget.