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Paul Flynn MP- Looney Zanu New Labour MP shows his true colours.

The below post is from Mr Flynns own site, seems that the amoral libelist is going on a pleasure trip, sorry research visit to that lovely democratic land of North Korea. Yes and never mind that fact that this is one of the most repressive places on gods earth, a place where the state rules all and free speech can make you vanish forever.

I do like how he glosses all this over and adds at the bottom that "Newport has strong links with South Korea and we have several South Korean students in the city. " Now that would be due to the fact that their fathers and grandfathers fought like hell to stay free from the communist dictators in the north. Even now families have been split due the communists failure to open up to the world for over 50 years.

Still what can be expect from a commie at heart, a liar, a libelist and amoral labour MP who on the one hand calls for Blair to go and bangs on about our freedoms being removed then on the other signs the ID card bill.

Paul Flynn MP Newport will lead the first ever British delegation of MPs and Peers to North Korea on September 11th.

Paul Flynn said the U.K branch of the Inter Parliamentary Union regard the visit as the most important one of the year. Its aim is to foster international understanding and peace.

Paul Flynn said "This week we had preliminary talk with the North Korea Ambassador. Our programme includes meetings with Government Ministers and parliamentarians.

The invitation is a very promising one and a hopeful sign that North Korea intends to bridge the gulf of misunderstanding that exists now between their republic and our country.

We will raise many issues including their stance on nuclear weapons, industrial cooperation, food shortages and forigng cultural and educational links. we will also visit hospitals, universities and schools.

The delegation represents a wide range of parliamentary opinion and includes Shaleish Vara MP (Conservative) Wayne David MP (Labour), Professor Lord McColl (Conservative), Lord David Alton (Lib Dem)- and Lady D'Souza (Crossbencher).

"Newport has strong links with South Korea and we have several South Korean students in the city. I have approached local colleges who are interested in receiving North Korean students to study English and IT here."

Link to the libelists anti US/Israel whittering: http://www.paulflynnmp.co.uk/newsdetail.jsp?id=465
Link to Paul Flynn EDM's: http://www.paulflynnmp.co.uk/hotnewsdetail.jsp?id=1109

My previous articles on the libelist:
ID cards: id-cards-list-of-mps-who-voted-yes.

media stories about the libel case where MP Paul Flynn ran his mouth:
From CSC site
from icnetwork
from independent
from money.guardian
The libelists site: http://www.paulflynnmp.co.uk/
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