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Blair on the way out?

PM and self absorbed twat Tony Blair has been covered in the news quite a lot of late, lots of once loyal MP's are now sharpening their knives and looking forward to him leaving power. Not just the usual lefty beard wearers of the back benches, but the fellow spivs and shit mongers who are head down in the trough with the other government pigs.

Tony must be looking at them and now starting to realise that has at least one thing in common with Mrs Thatcher now in the fact that his days are now numbered as were hers towards the end. The main difference there is that she handled the change over a lot better than Blair will, even if we had to endure the droning of John Major for a while. At least he(John Major that is not Blair) was amusing on Spitting Image if nowhere else! Although the thought of him making the beast with 2 backs with Edwina Curry is one that I still dont like to think about...Although not as repulsive as that evil harridan Cherrie Booth aka Mrs Blair swanning about taking cash off of anyone
- even cancer victims! and acting as if she were somehow first lady of the UK because she is being fucked by Blair along with the rest of us.

One can only wonder if he actually realises that the Zanu Labour dream is over yet and I for one hope not. It will make his fall from power all the sweeter, the sudden realisation that he has failed, all he has tried to do has failed, every aspect of the Zanu New Labour governments policies have fallen long and hard, failed in a mire of sleaze, ineptitude and dubious backdoor dealings.

I have read the Little Red Book of Labour Sleaze and my only wish was that they had held off publishing this until the leader Blair falls, by which time it would need to be renamed the Rather Large Book of Labour Sleaze.

Roll on the day when he pops out to meet the crowds and has his own Nicolae Ceausecu ending...http://www.ceausescu.org/ceausescu_media/ultima-video.html


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