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The Welsh Assembly - Out of hours calls routed to Scotland.

Talking shop and home of much Welsh hot air if nothing else, the Welsh Assembly shows that it is incapable of even supporting local industry as its out of hours calls are routed through Scotland, hell its not as if there are not enough call centres in Wales, especially in the Cardiff-Newport area, yet they decide to use one at the other end of the UK.

Out of hours telephone callers to the National Assembly are being answered by operators more than 300 miles away - in Scotland.

Anyone ringing the Assembly's switchboard after 5pm will be put in touch with a Scottish call centre.

A Scottish operator answering calls yesterday evening, said they handle calls from 5pm when the Assembly shuts, until 9am when it opens in the morning.

But he said the centre cannot handle calls from the public and can only deal with issues about the building, an emergency at the building or lost property and could not give more details.

In its Contacts section, The National Assembly for Wales website says people can contact the Assembly on the switchboard number 029 2082 5111 but does not mention that evening calls will be handled in Scotland.

At least we should be glad that unlike most the major banks the calls are not routed to India.



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