Lib Dem MP Lembit Opik it seems has fallen for the old "honeytrap" routine. His new girlfriend who it seems was in danger of being deported back to her former home, has managed to snag herself an MP as a boyfriend. Not only that but has been pushing for her to stay by bringing up her case to the relevant department....Amazing how much work a woman can get a man to do with a little bollock tickling...
Fellow MPs are concerned that Mr Opik has been distracted from doing his job the turbulence in his love life. One MP revealed that he failed to turn up to the historic first meeting in Belfast of the Northern Ireland Grand Committee last Tuesday, saying: "He was too busy doing something else - I can't imagine what diverted him." Now its seems that after a hand job or two he has been pleading the cause of his new squeeze, oh and her sister as well. According to todays Daily Mail:
Mr Opik, who ditched weather girl Sian Lloyd for Cheeky Girl Gabriela Irmia, cornered Home Office minister Liam Byrne and drew attention to the plight of Gabriela and her twin sister Monica, who were told they could be sent home to Romania.
Oh what a shame, after all we cant have an MP going without a bit of the old slap n tickle now can we, er sorry I mean they will no doubt suffer immense hardship, be beaten daily by the police and after all the UK cant really afford to lose a few z list celebs now can it? Heaven forbid that should happen.But the sisters were denied further leave to remain in August, even though Romania is set to join the EU in January and they will have the right to stay in Britain
Just shows how bad our system of deportation is that come December they are still here, mind you what a cunning plan she had. Bat the old bits in Opiks face(probably) and its instant high profile media attention for her and no quick trip back to eastern Europe.
After all Blair himself bleated on about the benefits of our multicultural society and what a sad loss to the vibrant music scene of the UK the Cheeky Girls would be. No seriously it would after all without shit like them how would we really apreciate all the decent music out there?
But all is not well, the Lib Dems seem not to happy at this MP having some eastern delight.Senior party figures last night urged him to withdraw from the public eye or risk plunging the Lib Dems into their third crisis in a year - following revelations of alcoholism that brought down former leader Charles Kennedy and details of Mark Oaten's dalliances with rent boys.
Come on, what do they want? At least he is not a piss head like the one leader, no rent boy problems there. Still you have to admit watching this is like watching a train crash in slow motion, cue the inevitable break up as soon as his east european girlfriend gets the ok to stay here in the good ol UK.
The class of this affair is really cringe making, get this comment from the other z list celeb that makes up the other half of the Cheeky Girls:On Tuesday Gabriela's sister Monica took to the GMTV sofa, hinting that her sister is so tired by her new love affair that she sleeps all morning.
Although it does seem to be keeping him from working properly:
**Update from Private Eye: Seems they (the Cheeky Girls have a job working for Pontins) - well I shall quote Blair again about migrants filling usefull roles in society... Although there is the question over the money they may or may not owe, some action in the Royal Courts of Justice over an unpaid tax bill for 4,500...(memo to the cheeky girls here on if you blow the MP the right way he may well pay them off for you....remember to swallow.)
Below we see the incredible "talent" of the bints from the land of Vlad the Impaler.
Full story here in the Daily Mail: Tags: Lembit Opik, Immigration, Lib Dems, Cheeky Girls, Sian Lloyd, Gabriela Irmia,
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