The radical pink Muslim who barracked Home Secretary John Reid in front of television news cameras last year, has been arrested for allegedly encouraging terrorism.
Abu Izzadeen/Trevor Brooks, 31, was held in Leyton High Road, east London, under Section 1 of the Terrorism Act 2006. Seems that Abu, who shall in the rest of this article be referred to as Trevor Brooks - his infidel name as I am sure it will make him throw his pink handbag against the wall and go running off crying like a girl.Scotland Yard said it related to an "on-going inquiry".
It is understood to relate to a speech he gave in the West Midlands area - thought to be Birmingham - last year.
Radical Muslim leader Anjem Choudhury responded to news of his arrest by saying that Muslims were now the subject of a "witchhunt". Yeah right, of course it is. Nothing to do with his hatred of the state, hatred of anyone who dares to disagree with the Umma, hatred of white folks, hatred of straight men, hatred of non muslims.
When he had a strop at Home Sec. John Reid, Trevor interrupted the Home Secretary and launched into an angry tirade.
"How dare you come to a Muslim area when over 1,000 Muslims have been arrested?" he said. "You are an enemy of Islam and Muslims, you are a tyrant. Shame on all of us for sitting down and listening to him."
Continuing his diatribe, deviant Trevor Brooks said Mr Reid, Tony Blair and George Bush could "all go to hell".Trevor Brooks first came to public prominence after refusing to condemn the 7/7 London bombings. Instead, he described the attacks as "mujahideen activity" which would make people "wake up and smell the coffee". - Well maybe its time for Mr loudmouth the repressed gay to smell the anal rape in prison.
Indeed this rather loud gobshyte has done the following:
Trevor has described the 7/7 suicide bombers in London as "completely praiseworthy" - yet lacks the guts to take up arms himself, the gutless fag homosexual that he is.
On the eve of the anniversary of the 7/7 attacks in London he was filmed preaching to a group of Muslims in Birmingham mocking and laughing at the victims of 9/11 and threatening further terror attacks in the UK.
He has openly stated that he wishes to die as a suicide bomber. Yet I think he lacks the bottle to follow through on this act aka camel and fellow gay animal abuser Omar Bakri.
He recently had a personal advertisement on an Islamic matrimonial website, seeking to marry up to three more wives in order to father more than nine children. Polygamy is illegal in the UK. Trevor did not respond to questions from the Evening Standard about the ad and it has since been removed.
Trevor Brooks
John Reid
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