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Talk Talk - Carphone Warehouse in trouble(again)

Well Mr Dunstone head of Talk Talk is in trouble with Ofcom again, so I have decided to a little parody apology from our Charles, after all the poor man is under a lot of pressure what with the complaints against him and well the costs of luxury boats just keep going up and up; just like the hidden charges on Talk Talk bills.

Link to the complaint at Ofcom: Doh! Charles D gets a slap across the knuckles.

Charles Dunstone sayeth another apology:

"Well we have been fined thirty five thousand pounds by Ofcom the industry regulator over silent calls from our call centre computers. I know this will come as a huge suprise to many of our customers who can never get through to an agent and although when they get through no one ever returns their calls. But come on guys and gals look on the bright side at least it was a call back, ok a silent one but a call back none the less."

"Indeed we most upset at this fine as I feel that we do a spiffing job, well aside from the fact that we pass the buck, blame BT, take forever and a day to connect people to the broadband, don't tell them the full costs with regard one off charges and our internet support is based in India. Oh and you will spend eons getting through to anyone out there."

"On a personal note I would like to apologise for the silent calls, make the usual lame promises that things will improve and say that I am quite sad at Ofcom, I was hoping that they would have been so busy over the Jade Goody complaints that they would not have noticed me. Still I am sure Jade will soon be getting lots of endorsements as on Feb.18th it is the Chinese year of the Pig."

"As someone who believes in open business, well unless you try to complaint about Carphone Warehouse that is, I feel that I should make it up to my few remaining customers who are all tied into 18 months of contract."

"Should you need to talk I am always there for you, well actually I am on my yacht but you know what I mean. I care, no I really do. I love each one of you that has paid for the big house, the chain of shops, the plush yacht and my flash motor. Oh and did I mention the yacht, oh yeah I did. Again thanks for paying for that."

"So come on give me a call and we will talk through all your problems, I will explain why having a crap telephone on the Opal network is a positive, how BT are evil, why you still can't get online. Call me on (+44) 07836200164 - ask for Charles."

or mail me at: DunstoC@cpwplc.com

Charles parody apology over the Big Brother incident!!!


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