So you distrupt Parliment, bang about your pet gripe (slavery and how it is all the fault of the white man blah blah blah)and have to be escorted out by security. Well bully for you, you seem to think that this sort of behaviour is acceptable and okay and yet I feel that you would be the first to jump on the Ali G "Is it cos I is black?" bandwagon should something like that happen to you. Oh a well done to the security who handled that matter with tact and diplomacy, just a shame that you did not have a Jean Charles de Menezes type end.
Indeed rather than protest your campaign in a normal manner, you know the sort of thing: bits on the internet, letters to MP's, leaflets etc etc, no none of that malarky for you its lets have a rant at the queen and the MP's.
Now I have no particular feelings towards the monarcy in any way shape or form, other than they might need to expand the gene pool at tad more. My feelings to many of the MP's are about the same as what one feels when one steps in something that a dog has left on the pavement.
However I do feel that I would rather discuss an issue with them, put forward the merits of it -even to the most barking moonbat of an MP - than to stand there and rant on, especially in front of the cameras to boot. One point what exactly - aside from a few too many generations of inbreeding- has the Queen got to be ashamed with with regards slavery?
Having read your organisations views it would appear that your aims are for Black MP's who follow your views, even those black MP's who speak out on many race issues and have done so many many times don't please you - one MP by the name of Diane Abbott leaps to mind here. Yet your own site rips her apart, I was tempted as others have done to label you as some black racist organisation that pretends it is a moderate group but from what I can see you and your ilk are a sort of negro Combat 18. Thugs and nothing else but.The above picture from your own site, so lovingly titled wanted_african_british-politicians really sums up your attitude. Valerie Amos? Good grief its hard to find someone who speaks out on issues regarding rights and race more than her.
Mind I have a few questions that I feel needs answering, who pays you? How is your organisation funded? Does my tax money fund loonies like you?
Oh and if Toyin and his black nazi friends think the UK is evil, they should take a good long look at the below picture:Ok now thats how things were in the former South Africa and having listened to some of the black (buckra hating) nazi pricks like The Moor, the more I think maybe the former South African regime was onto something. After all I would rather not breath the same air as that untermenchen.
Indeed in daring to state the fact that Toyin was wrong in how he went about things and on his arguement in that we in the UK are not responsible for the worlds ills has dug the sick, parasite ridden bile filled white hating filth that occupies the UK out from under the various stones they occupy.
They seek not debate but just to argue, and so I have closed comments on this article so save your time in attempting to post as they will just reject.
The ever whitty DK has a rather good fisk of this black rascist Toyin here:
Toyin Agbetu
29 people have spoken:
You are so ignorant. You dont even know what happened that day.
I think you would find that at the event they urged "ALL BLACKS TO GET ON THEIR KNEES AND BEG FOR FORGIVENESS"
Now you may not understand why he got mad after seeing this, but he was just.
You never even heard about that in the media did you?
So who is Toyin Agbetu? He is the one that had the balls to do what all the pretentious black people sitting in that room should have done. And you wish it had a menezes end, you know what, what goes around comes around.
You are one of the most foolish people I have ever encountered.
I hope to God you are not Afrikan, we dont need sell outs like that in our community if you are.
And dont worry, your tax money doesnt fund this organisation. Who would want money from some idiot like you?
So keep your ignorant rants to yourself unless you know the facts!!!
My my we do have a bee in our bonnett, Afrikan, I am sure you meant African but I digress, anyway I stand by it all.
He should be ashamed of his attitude, slagging off the nation that gave him the freedom to expres himself.
Toodle pip ol girl,
Nina, you are an arse. He was rude and did more to alienate people than to get people to support his cause, a rant in public does nothing to help matters.
I just hope you have more tolerance of UK society than Toyin, but looking at your statement I think not.
You should regard the whole of the UK as one nation, never mind the colour. It seems that it is people like Nina and that loon demonstrator who cause the divisions in our society harping on about events from the past as if they matter any more.
She should realise that it was the UK who ended slavery of black people in UK and its dominions, encouraged our european neighbours to do the same and even enforced a ban on slave trading off the African coast.
Shame on this misguided woman.
The UK ended slavery so what? Who started it? What part did they play in it before they stopped it? If someone starts fire or adds more fuel to the fire and decides to put the fire out has that person done anything extraordinary? Think about it.
Again lets get a bit of perpective on this, slavery was ongoing long before the first european set foot in Africa.
Just read up on arabic slavery in North Africa - still going on in Sudan and other places - also europeans also enslaved other europeans, although they called it "bonded labour" or some other fancy term, it was in all real terms slavery.
We as a nation realised the errors of slavery and set that right long before the rest of europe, also with pressure from our empire we enforced a ban on the trade/selling of slaves so as to make them also ban slavery.
What the loudmouths like Toyin and Nina forget is that were we not a free society they would have no place to spout off their hatred of all things UK.
As the old saying go's if they are not happy hear they can always leave...
Annonymous and Fido, look at ur arrogant asses pating urselves on the back for ending slavery, were u not the same damn ppl slave trading? You honestly believe u should get a medal for ending such an evil demoralizing act that you took part off? What a joke.
Nana, no one is patting themselves on the back here.
1. We are not the same people doing the slaving, that was in the past, all the slave owners are dead along with those that were enslaved.
2. The other point I made was that the British Empire chose to end slavery, partly from a moral point and partly as it was not cost effective to run.
3. This in turn led to a decline amongst the imperial powers of that time with regard to slavery. Also the rise of industrialisation also speeded this process up.
4. The other point I made was that Britains role in ending slavery in Europe and the former British empire is not recognised and needs to be, far to many people are happy to do down our history without looking at the good aspects of what Britain gave the world.
5. If in explaining those facts to you makes me appear arrogant to you, well thats your problem not mine.
6. I have not taken part in the demoralizing act as you put it, indeed as I stated if you wish to get angry then by all means get angry with the arabs like the Janjaweed who enslave women and children in the Sudan. That to me is the real moral evil here, that at the early part of the 21st century, some 200 years after slavery was ended that people are still being trading in Africa and beyond as chattels.
Toddle Pip,
Toyin Agbetu did a GREAT JOB interrupting that so called meeting. Toyin, don't mind some of these illiterates’ ex-slave owners who do not want to own up to their mischievous acts or mischievous acts of their ancestors. Do mind the idiots that are attacking you via blog. I have to address this particular BONE-HEAD who started this blog, he displayed his ignorance: You there, you must be either an illiterate or you are just plan stupid if you think that Toyin Agbetu did something wrong by interrupting a stupid, ignorant meeting, meetings that are used to deceive the world, particularly African continent. Deceive them and siphoned all their mineral resources. If you're given a chance it is IDOITS like you that will want African slave trade to continue. Come out say what you said on this blog and see how far you can get. Bastard. You Hitler's sibling. Oh, I elevate your status quo by calling you hitlers sibling. You're actually Frankenstein.
God may there be slavery and this time it is Black buying and using Whites as slaves. Blacks will be the slave owners and white will be the slaves. I wish this will happen in my life time. I am even surprised that Blacks have not done more than just interrupt a meeting. Keep ignorant white continue in this route and you might just push the BLACKs to the wall and all hell will break loose.
Toyin Agbetu did a GREAT JOB interrupting that so called meeting. Toyin, don't mind some of these illiterates’ ex-slave owners who do not want to own up to their mischievous acts or mischievous acts of their ancestors. Do mind the idiots that are attacking you via blog. I have to address this particular BONE-HEAD who started this blog, he displayed his ignorance: You there, you must be either an illiterate or you are just plan stupid if you think that Toyin Agbetu did something wrong by interrupting a stupid, ignorant meeting, meetings that are used to deceive the world, particularly African continent. Deceive them and siphoned all their mineral resources. If you're given a chance it is IDOITS like you that will want African slave trade to continue. Come out say what you said on this blog and see how far you can get. Bastard. You Hitler's sibling. Oh, I elevate your status quo by calling you hitlers sibling. You're actually Frankenstein.
God may there be slavery and this time it is Black buying and using Whites as slaves. Blacks will be the slave owners and white will be the slaves. I wish this will happen in my life time. I am even surprised that Blacks have not done more than just interrupt a meeting. Keep ignorant white continue in this route and you might just push the BLACKs to the wall and all hell will break loose.
I've just read all the comments. It doesn't surprise me that fido or the other anonymous person would have such eurocentric views. Although i believe that they are in denial about the Inhumane atrocities that your 'dead' forefathers committed. Of course, you wouldn't want to believe that the very people you seem to look down on are the people who got the europeans to their economic advantage today and brought them out of the 'dark ages'. The physical chains from slavery may be gone but mental slavery is still in full effect. I commend Toyin Agbetu for standing up in what he believes and confronting the hypocrisy of this government. Why should he kneel down and beg forgiveness for the sins of the Evil masterminds behind the enslavement of Africans? Its a slap in the face. I salute you Mr. Agbetu and i am behind you as an Afrikan. More Power To the People!
Ok, yet again no one is in denial. We all know the history, as I have said before that is all well documented. To say that people are in denial is to show that you have not read the comments properly.
The industrial age had nothing to do with slavery, sorry no link there. So to claim that somehow the exploitation of africans led to that is an eroneous statement.
Mental chains of slavery, oh come on what utter tosh. That was 200 hundred years ago, I take it a few million in compo will help?
Make the white man pay? Now we see what the mental chains are about, nothing more than a cheap hustle.
You talk about the masterminds then I suggest you again look up the long history of Arab slave trading, oh and the complicity of tribes like the Ashanti who enslaved their "brothers" for hundreds of years.
Did like the way you ended that rant, very Woofie Smith, not a member of the Tooting Peoples Front or whatever it was called in the tv series are you?
Again I say suck it up, move on, stop your bottom lip from quivering and realise that you are living in a free democratic society and if you are still not happy then maybe move back to some African dictatorship - Zimbabwe a classic example thereof.
Oh an Toyin was a prat that, still a prat now.
Theres a really good summing up of the arsehole Toyin - a man clearly on the make, a loudmouthed fool here:
Check that out its brilliant, oh and well done Fido etc for standing up to black rascist who revise history on pc lines.
Makes me laugh when we get comments like this: The Archbishop of York has called on Prime Minister Tony Blair to formally apologise for Britain's role in the slave trade as churches across the UK mark the 200th anniversary of its abolition today.
Why for bringing civilization to stone age barbarians from the hinterlands? Why for ending tribal conflicts, raising their standards of living, helping them up and then helping them out when their own governments fuck it all up.
Tolerance - re an earlier comment:
Toyin Agbetu did a GREAT JOB interrupting that so called meeting.
- It was to remember the slave trade you fool.
Toyin, don't mind some of these illiterates’ ex-slave owners who do not want to own up to their mischievous acts or mischievous acts of their ancestors.
- Hardly a tolerant view of your own society - what mischievous acts are you on about fool?
Do mind the idiots that are attacking you via blog.
- do mind the idiots? What sort of English is that fool?
I have to address this particular BONE-HEAD who started this blog, he displayed his ignorance: You there, you must be either an illiterate or you are just plan stupid if you think that Toyin Agbetu did something wrong by interrupting a stupid, ignorant meeting, meetings that are used to deceive the world, particularly African continent.
- Enough fool, you cant put twenty points into one rambling sentence. Oh and by interupting he did do wrong, he showed his intolerance of his society, his lack of respect of christian traditions, fool.
Deceive them and siphoned all their mineral resources. If you're given a chance it is IDOITS like you that will want African slave trade to continue.
- Well we dont want the slave trade to continue, in fact we tryed to end it fool. The only ones enslaving africans are africans and arabs, fool.
Come out say what you said on this blog and see how far you can get.
- Again fool. Another intolerant comment.
Bastard. You Hitler's sibling. Oh, I elevate your status quo by calling you hitlers sibling.
- Ah the joys of a tolerant man, who can express himself with out insult, oh again your a fool.
You're actually Frankenstein.
God may there be slavery and this time it is Black buying and using Whites as slaves.
-Now we see the true nature of the fool, he hates whites.
Blacks will be the slave owners and white will be the slaves.
- Ah classic loonery from the fool.
I wish this will happen in my life time.
- Yes another intolerant black who has a chip on his shoulder and wants white Guardian readers to suck him off - fool.
I am even surprised that Blacks have not done more than just interrupt a meeting.
- Seems the fool wants violence
Keep ignorant white continue in this route and you might just push the BLACKs to the wall and all hell will break loose.
- Oh a veiled threat from the fool.
Typical comments from ASSumptious racist white people who do not know they are racist and who could not be black for a day.
The English have a tradition and a culture soaked in violence, brutality and genocide. Be it the Viking invasion, world war one/two or the Iraq war, the English see slavery as part and parcel of their barbaric history.
Barbarianism is so ingrained into the English soul that asking them to apologise is like them asking Africans to apologise for being culturally African.
They debate whether murdering millions was wrong, often saying "slavery is normal, and part of being human , our joint history". They don't debate, if killing millions of Jews, was morally perverse, but the wrong in killing millions of Africans becomes a matter of opinion; and an apology is openly denounced from the highest places.
In their defence of slavery you always hear the English spewing Africans sold Africans. How comes you never hear them say Africans murdered other Africans or dehumanised them recognising and treating them as livestock.
Africa may well have played a part in the slave trade but do not be fooled into believing selling Africans is the same charge England and the others are being asked to apologise for. For them, enslaving Africans as a means of attaining cheap labour is the least of their numerous crimes committed against African people.
The English government takes pride in talking about leading the way in showing the rest of the world that they have set the precedent with both the abolition and the commemoration of slavery - when surely if they want to set the standard they should be apologising for the role they played in sustaining and proliferating slavery.
There is a philosophy which asks the question if a man jumps off the edge of a cliff, are you going to follow him? Of course the answer is a resounding no so likewise, in leading the way, the England apology should be done without watching what any other nation done during slavery and without watching what any other nation is doing now.
Ok anon, lets take this arguement apart shall we:
Typical comments from ASSumptious racist white people who do not know they are racist and who could not be black for a day.
**Well no one can change colour so thats a total non starter.
The English have a tradition and a culture soaked in violence, brutality and genocide.
**Along with the rest of the world, violence was a way of life for many.
Be it the Viking invasion, world war one/two or the Iraq war, the English see slavery as part and parcel of their barbaric history.
**So do africans, arabs, asians etc etc, all with a long record of holding and trading in slaves for many reasons, also as I stated arab/arfican slave trading is still going on today.
Barbarianism is so ingrained into the English soul that asking them to apologise is like them asking Africans to apologise for being culturally African.
**Ah ha. I think I spot a bit of cultural rascism here. Oh dont forget that the UK brought roads, railways, democracy, healthcare and much more to their empire. Oh and left the colonies with stable governments, proper courts and a good start as independent nation states.
They debate whether murdering millions was wrong, often saying "slavery is normal, and part of being human , our joint history". They don't debate, if killing millions of Jews, was morally perverse, but the wrong in killing millions of Africans becomes a matter of opinion; and an apology is openly denounced from the highest places.
**Again totally seperate cases.
In their defence of slavery you always hear the English spewing Africans sold Africans. How comes you never hear them say Africans murdered other Africans or dehumanised them recognising and treating them as livestock.
**Advise you read about the Ashanti and other tribes who traded slaves before the UK got in on the act and waged war against Britain to protect their slave trade. I am sure the Africans that they traded were glad to be liberated by the British.
Africa may well have played a part in the slave trade but do not be fooled into believing selling Africans is the same charge England and the others are being asked to apologise for.
**Oh pray tell, what is the charge?
For them, enslaving Africans as a means of attaining cheap labour is the least of their numerous crimes committed against African people.
** Again the main reason anyone takes slaves, aside from sexual reasons is for cheap labour.
The English government takes pride in talking about leading the way in showing the rest of the world that they have set the precedent with both the abolition and the commemoration of slavery - when surely if they want to set the standard they should be apologising for the role they played in sustaining and proliferating slavery.
**Again should not Germany and France and even the former Ottoman Empire also apologise, along with the Sudan who trades slaves today?
There is a philosophy which asks the question if a man jumps off the edge of a cliff, are you going to follow him? Of course the answer is a resounding no so likewise, in leading the way, the England apology should be done without watching what any other nation done during slavery and without watching what any other nation is doing now.
**Again no, no and thrice no. No man is responsible for the crimes of his ancestors. Might as well demand an apology of Rome for the Roman Empire.
Ok have a read of this link:
This shows Ashanti involvement.
One of the biggest mistakes that my
ancestors made was CREATING THE
Yes, I said CREATE, not evolve.
Cross-breeding you with a pig and
an albino and then incubating you
in the caves of the Caucus
mountains was not a good idea.
The moor, so tell me something. If you created us, why is africa such a mess?
Ah I just love it when a savage shows his true colours when he cant win an arguement.
Tell me do you like young boys? Or are goats your thing?
Hello Anonymous coward...
Can't win an argument?
What are you blabbling on about?
This is my reply...
The main reason why Africa is still
in a mess is because of the covert
neo-colonialist methods that are in
place today.
The last time one of the African
countries, e.g. Ghana tried to
rule itself, its leader at the
time, Kwame Nkrumah, was killed.
This was later proved to be the
result of a combined effort of the
intelligence services of Britain,
France and America as they FEARED
that Ghana would become a role
model for economic independence in
THAT, my albino-mutant friend, is
why Africa is still in a mess.
Do I like young boys, no I don't. But, why did you mention this when
it is totally unrelated to my post?
I think you do. Statistically
speaking paedophiles tend to be
Are goats my thing?
Again, what has this got to do with
my post??
For you to also mention this, you
must have a thing about
Again, this is an albino-mutant
Please, if you choose to reply,
come with something CONSTRUCTIVE.
It seems to me that when the
TRUTH is slapped good and hard in
your weak face, you can only
scrape the barrel and come back
with degenerate comments.
Basically, sums up your state of
mind. Doesn't it?
To The Moor,right lets destroy your moonbat paranoid theorys of white man ruling africa:
1.The main reason why Africa is still
in a mess is because of the covert
neo-colonialist methods that are in
place today.
No it run on socialist methods - bob mugabe is a prime example of that. Turned a whole nation from the breadbasket of africa to a begger nation all by himself and there are dozens of black leaders like him in africa.
Corruption, slavery, jobs for the boys all traits of africa. Your place is a shit hole because africans made it like that.
Oh and your still a rascist prick. Toddle pip ol chap.
That thing the moor is an arse, albino mutant. What the fuck?
We have some sort of deluded black nazi type here, of course he lacks the balls like most coons who have posted here to put up an e-mail address or a website of his own.
With people - and I use the word lightly with regard to Africans, no wonder they blame the superior white race for their constant fuck ups.
Far easier to blame the white man who stopped the coons from eating each other, than to resolve their own problems.
Hi Moor,
Why not give me a mail on
To the Anonymous Coward and Fido (THE DOG!)
Can you hear it?
What, you don't hear it?
Allow me to turn up the volume.
That's the sound of your genetic
clock running out.
Good old mother nature is going
to naturally select your weak
albino-mutant arse out of existance
so that the balance is restored
on this planet once again.
Like I said before, one of the
biggest mistakes that my ancestors
made was to create your ignorant,
stagnant cultured, beer drinking, satanic worshipping, devil race.
TO FIDO... Go and lick your balls and sniff another dogs arse.
(That's what dogs do don't they?)
PS: Anonymous Coward, I sent an email to your address and it bounced.
Try emptying your in-box, then I
your teacher can educate you with KNOWLEDGE.
Hi Moor,
Mail me at
Moor you need help, no more comments from you will be published.
Go and die,
Ok all closed here, take it elsewhere. No more comments will be published.
Moor you can fuck off - again - rejected your inane bullshit. Everyone else read up on history and have a good one.
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