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Yes Loans - Latest Update, well some gossip actually.

Below is a mail reproduced in full that popped its merry way into my in box today. Have a read of this and see what a charming good natured fellow the barred director Keith Wilmot Chorlton is. Although I understand that his ban runs out soon, so watch out for a surprise announcement from Dial/Yes Loans that ginger Keith is now a "director".

Hi there,

Well. I had a very interesting evening last night. Both interesting and amusing, very amusing. I work in Cardiff nowadays and I popped into the Blackbirds yesterday on my way home from work. I got there about 6ish and had a drink with my friend Dave up at the back where the pool table used to be. About 15 minutes later I get a tip-off that James C has arrived, he came and sat up in the alcove with some firends, looked at me and said hi so I smiled and said hi back. I said, 'shit dude, its bin a while since I seen you, must be october last.' "yeah, it is he said'. Dave thought this was hilarious and soon after Simon C(thats C for Chorlton as in the Wheeleys - fido) came in. He clocked me pretty quickly and made a point of saying hello, asking how I was and if I enjoyed doing X-Ray. I honestly didn't know what to say to that but he disappeared for 5 minutes (I figured he was probably calling daddy ginger), we stayed there and finished our drinks then went to the bar and got more.

We sat down near the front of the pub as the place started to fill up with yes loans folk, some my friends. Then about 7:05pm I said I would book a taxi rather than wait for the next bus. Taxi booked for 7:30 from Dave's down the road, about 20 past dave sent me tothe bar for half a guiness and anotha jack for me. I get to the bar and carlo come in, he was all like, 'fucking hell you dodgy nutter. You know who just walked in here with me?' So I got the drinks and took them over to Dave who looked pretty nervous cause Keith had just walked past him and up to the alcove.

I put the drinks down and nipped to the loo, woz in there a bout 60 seconds then when I came out again Dave said Keith had just walked through and up into the bar where I had just been. Dave suggested finishing our drinks to go and get the taxi. I kind of got the impression he wanted to get out of there pronto. I dont know why though, its not like the ginger one wanted him after all (maybe he was being protective lol)

So we exit the front way, walk past his silver Range Rover, and, as we get to the main road we both heard Keith come out of the pub. He was going mental, 'Dan Donnelly. You want a piece of an old man? You fucking bastard! and lots of other obsenities, it was hilarious cause we didnt walk any faster. We didn't even look at him once, I was soooo tempted to turn around and give him the finger or take a picture on my phone. The more we acted as though he wasn't there the more he bellowed at me and the more irritation grew in his voice.

Needless to say, I thought he would drive after me in the Range Rover but he didn't. I wish he had cause by the time we were half way down the road I realised should have been videoing the whole thing on my phone, that would have been something to upload on the web huh.

So anyhow, I thought you may appreciate my little tale. I hear regularly how they are not in the least bothered about the bad press they get. It's very apparent though, that Keith is more than bothered by it. I'm sure the new owners were a little suprised yesterday at the pub. It was their first day and they got there about 15 minutes before Keith started bellowing

Keep up the good work fella, whoever you are


**Well done Dan, methinks the ginger ones days of ruling the roost as Dial are numbered, what with the FSA and numerous other government bodies nosing about, oh and of course the ever good publicty provided by BBC X-Ray and The Mirror etc etc.

As I advised before Keith may do well to grab the cash and run to a non extradition country, I hear Turkish North Cypress is nice this time of year.

Anyway if anyone has any pictures of the ginger one then mail them over to me, thats Keith Wilmot Chorlton(he hates being called Wilmot, want to be sacked by the "advisor" then call him Wilmot - although what finance company would have a barred director who has been inside as a guest of Her Majesty as an advisor?
Some assorted links etc:

Oh here is the bit on the X-Ray site on dubious company Yes Loans:

But whats better is seeing the program on YouTube:

The bit on Chorlton getting banned as a director as reported in the Guardian: http://business.guardian.co.uk/story/0,,235408,00.html

The Mirror bit: Evening all! Pc plod called to a meeting.

Yes Loans.

Now on the first page when people search for "yes loans" in Google.

Now for the old links:

and here:

and here:

and here:

and here:

and here

and here

and here

Some previous bits on Dial/Yes Loans and Keith "Wilmot" Chorlton:

and here

and here

and here:

and also here:

** Like to point out that Keiths accounts are now in with companies house, although is still claiming small exemption. Not sure if that is regards the size of his genitals or the company...



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