Some times in this cynical world things happen that restore your faith in humanity - take this one for example.
In work today a couple girls come in and hand in some chaps wallet that they had found inside, I then logged the wallet into the lost & found book and when the chap came in confirmed his name and id and handed the wallet over.
The chap had been to the bank that day, most of his wages were in that wallet and the girls had not even opened it. So one lucky chap was not down a weeks pay.
Mind you, had they been socialists no doubt they would have nationalised that poor chaps pay. Correction had they been New Labour nationists they would have a/ nationised his wallet b/ charged a handling stealth tax on it being handed in c/ then taxed both the handler(the girls) and the handler part two ie myself(a tax on recieving the wallet)
2 people have spoken:
Mind you, had they been socialists no doubt they woulld have nationalised that poor chaps pay.
they would have nationalised that poor chaps pay.
ROFLMAO! Premium... and yes, they surely would have!
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