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LIbelist MP throws stones whilst in glass house.

Libelist MP Paul Flynn who made false claims the other year and had to pay out £36,000, is off on one again.

His target this time is local reporter Mike Buckingham, not for the first time Mr Flynn has Mike in his sights, as Mike has the nerve to (shock horror) actually disagree with some of Mr Flynn says - as do all right minded people.

Part of the reason for the snipping on the part of Mr Flynn is do with readership - the local paper is read by many thousands of people and Mr Flynn ever the media whore, hopes to kick up a media frenzy.

He also hopes to discredit the local paper, which I am glad to say has taken an independant stance and long may they continue to do so. After all libel cases aside, lets take a brief look at some of Mr Flynns more looney tune ideas:

First off that junket to North Korea, Mr Flynn planned to fly off and do some kow towing to the glorious leader of that nation - and he says that he doesn't like Blairs dictatorial style - go figure that one out? Alas the leader of North Korea stopped the trip as he carried out his nuclear test and Mr Flynn could not go.

Many veterans of the Korean War are not happy that their MP was planning to fly off to a state where only an informal cease fire exists, a nation that they lost many friends and comrades fighting against. One could ask if Mr Flynn was going to get up off his knees and ask the glorious leader about the Japanese citizens they kidnapped? Oh and do a google on camp 22, one of the first hits you get is about the North Korean camp where they dump political disadents or anyone else who dares to speak out. Maybe he would like to bring up the fact that many Koreans in the North are slowly starving.

Then we have the barking idea of tsunami defense system, despite that the flood some 400 years back may not have been a tsunami and its not likely that we are going to getting a repeat performance any time soon.

Oh and of course his well commented remarks about farmers and shotguns.

Anyway back to Mike Buckingham he made a few choice comments about the government employees coming to Newport, lets face it like we need more government employees. If anything we need to cull posts not put more people onto the states payroll.

Now it seems that the spoiled government workers - not many of whom do a decent days work - dont want to move. http://icwales.icnetwork.co.uk/0100news/newspolitics/tm_headline=statistics-workers-in-revolt-over-move-to-wales&method=full&objectid=19106679&siteid=50082-name_page.html It would appear that Mike Buckingham was right and Mr Flynn was wrong, wrong, wrong.

PLANS to move hundreds of senior staff at the Office for National
Statistics from Pimlico to Newport may be delayed by a revolt by the civil
Union leaders yesterday stepped up their opposition to the planned
transfer of statisticians amid warnings that skilled staff were already
quitting. It is thought many will choose jobs in the City, London’s financial
district, over Newport.
But Newport West Labour MP Paul Flynn said London
staff could not be allowed to block the move of top jobs to Wales.
He said,
“If key staff refuse to budge, it’s a challenge to recruit locally. That
challenge has been met and overcome before and will be again.”
constituency’s Labour AM, John Griffiths, agreed, saying, “If they decide not to
[move to Newport] that opens up greater and better opportunities for local

Mr Flynn also has some very bizarre and off the wall ideas, a scan of some of the strange EDM's(Early Day Motions) he puts before the House would raise a laugh, were it not for the fact that he is serious in his misguided ideas and beliefs.
Take this fine example where he thinks we are going to drown! BRITISH TSUNAMI - link: Moonbat thinks we are going to drown
media stories about the libel case where MP Paul Flynn ran his mouth:From CSC site
from icnetwork
from independent
from money.guardian
The libelists site: http://www.paulflynnmp.co.uk/


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