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Blairs eulogy(a repost but needs to be done.)

This is brilliant Tony of Blood and Treasure decided to write a lovely little eulogy for the Prime Minister.

As Princess Toni is finally going to be fucking off (and about time) on Wednesday June 27th 2007, this is a good point to mention that the new and updated Big Red Book Of New Labour Sleaze is released. Read all about the New Labour liars, libelists, shits, cunts, fuckwits, spivs and dodgy backhander merchants, yes read all that this government the most amoral sleazy bunch of cunts ever to be elected to office in all of human history have been getting upto.

Now back to Blairs eulogy:

So can I just say that the outgoing Prime Minister is a pious conman; a vile, wheedling dog; an authoritarian creep; a toady of the powerful and a menace to the powerless; a man of blood and an unindicted war criminal; a damp-handed, grinning psychopath; a receiver of rich men’s gifts; a pimp of morality; a breaker of nations and a wrecker of lives; a betrayer of friends and a disgrace to his party and nation; a canting knave; a lickspittle, a wankstain and a cuntbubble; a lying sack of shit who should be encased in concrete and hurled into the Marianas trench. He leaves a country divided - divided between those who wouldn't piss on him if he was burning in the gutter and those who want to throw him in the gutter and set fire to him.

oh and lets not forget his sidekick, John "2 inches" Prescott, the man who aside from having all the morals of a sewer rat, the looks of uncleaned septic tank still managed to find one woman in the whole of the UK(his wife aside) who was stupid enough to fuck him.

Still no doubt when he leaves office the peerage awaits, arise Lord 2 Jags of Cunard.

Over to DK for a fisk of 2 Jags: http://devilskitchen.me.uk/2007/05/prescott-talentless-deluded-fuckwit.html

So, I'd just like to say that John Prescott is possibly the most inarticulate, stupid, and talentless excuses for an MP that I have ever seen or heard. The only thing that he seems to have been any good at is fucking his secretary on taxpayers' time and in taxpayers' buildings, sexually harrassing fellow MP's wives in their own hallways, and generally behaving like a fucking savage.

His contribution to politics has been entirely damaging—he has comprehensively fucked up every single portfolio with which he has been entrusted, and has been responsible for a great deal of the destruction of faith that the people of Britain have in Parliament. He has been famous only for being paid enormous amounts of money to do nothing: indeed, it seems that at the last reshuffle he was effectively paid to stop—please, in the name of all that's unholy—doing anything.

I would describe him as a shaved chimp but that is rather insulting to chimps which, whilst being highly territorial, do at least understand courtesy and manners. Prescott is a fat, hairy cunt; he is the original bastard's bastard; a pungent turd of the very first water, whose continued existance is an affront to the human race.

May he die in pain and rot in hell for an eternity.
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1 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

The new Knock Off Nigel has just been aired. Here it is.
