Translation of text at start: We declare:
Saint Hans’ Eve has always celebrated the tradition of burning away the evil, in earlier times symbolized by the witch, who ... all » was supposedly directly connected to Satan. And if the witch was not burned then the harvest could not be safely brought into the house.
Now a new evil has arrived in Europe, an evil that lies and kills in the name of their so-called God. An evil that springs from the so-called Prophet Mohammed. Therefore, in our time, it is he who symbolizes evil and it is not just one harvest that will disappear, but all of Western Europe’s future that will vanish if this evil is not dispatched to Hekkenfeldt [i.e. Hell, literally the Hekla volcano in Iceland — BB].
Therefore will we burn the so-called Prophet Mohammed, on June 23, 2007, in three nameless places.
We burned Mohammed in three different places across the country. We now release the video from the first burning. The next videos will be released on July 23 and August 23.
For a Mohammed-free Denmark!!!
**They plant car bombs in London to kill us, so I say we mock their religion.

Al Qaeda
War on Terror
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