Well said, Gordon is indeed a moron.
The Brown Dictatorship: Day 3.
New Labour stated in their election promise that we would be due a referendum, they also stated that Princess Tony would be in for a full term and that has turned out not to be the case. Yet another broken promise. Nothing would please me more than to see the dour, lying Puritan heartily humiliated in a General Election.
The new PM to be Mr Brown stated that we did not need a referendum, how very nice of him to decide the needs of the entire nation. Why not let the nation decide its place in Europe or not, oh and while your at it let the people decide on who suits No 10 the best? Still that is what one has come to expect from New Labour, or should that be novi homines?
That said should they fear for their power will they declare the Senatus consultum ultimum or martial law as its known in order to stay in power, should they fear they will lose it? Lets have election now, we have an unelected prime minister, that is bad for politics, bad for the nation and needs to be corrected.
We will hear a lot from the small men in the government over the next few months regarding this matter, the backbenchers and others who are eager to get on under the change of leadership will whore themselves and the fine ideals of the House. Some cowards like one I could name, may even jump across the floor for some small gain.
Many excuses will be put forward by the small men as to why the electorate should not have their just demands carried out, these will not be worth listening to as they are words based on greed, based on men and women desperate for the trappings of politican power and so they sell out those who they should represpent - the very people who voted them into power.
These men like all small men thoughout history have no real grasp of democracy in its true meaning and shame the office they hold.
In case any of them are confused as to what exactly a referendum is, then they can read this:
A referendum (plural: 'referendums' or 'referenda') or plebiscite (from Latin plebiscita, originally a decree of the Concilium Plebis) is a direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked to either accept or reject a particular proposal. This may be the adoption of a new constitution, a consituttional amendment, a law, the recall of an elected official or simply a specific government policy. The referendum or plebiscite is a form of direct democracy.
Does Brown see himself as dictator perpetuus Brown
Our political masters look down on us as mere plebs, well they may well be the new patrician class (they certainly act like it)if that is the case then maybe we need some form of modern day concilium plebis, a plebian council if you will to put across our views as you can be sure the will of the people is no longer listened to by either parliment or the EU.
One thing I think we could do with in this nation is something like:Lex Acilia Calpurnia, which mandated permanent exclusion from office in cases of electoral corruption. Although with regards the EU, maybe the law should be Lex Acilia Repetundarum.
The one point I find wholly offensive aside from the brushing aside the will of the people(excuse the bastardised latin mos publicus) is that Brown is not elected by the people to the office of Prime Minister. Maybe he fancies himself as some dictator perpetuus a sort of dour Scottish presbyterian Julius Caesar, but without the style, tact or intelligence of said Roman.
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