How long until we find out they were members of the religion of peace?
The travelers shouted, "Let him burn!" as one of the flaming terrorists tried to flee from the scene of the blast. - Could not have put it better myself.
Flames rise from a jeep after an incident at Glasgow airport , Glasgow, Scotland Saturday June 30, 2007. Two men tried to ram a jeep with flames pouring from it into the main terminal of Glasgow airport Saturday, crashing into the glass doors at the entrance and sparking a fire, witnesses said. Police said two people were arrested. The green SUV barreled toward the building at full speed before crashing into security barriers. Witnesses said two men fled the SUV, one of them engulfed in flames. Two men were arrested, Strathclyde Police spokeswoman Lisa O'Neil said. (AP Photo/ Alistair Robertson)

A car blasted through security and rammed the Glasgow Airport before bursting into flames today.
Two Asian men were arrested.
The AP reported:
Detectives hunted Saturday for suspects who abandoned two explosives-packed cars in the heart of London's nightlife district, reviewing closed circuit television footage and scouring the vehicles for clues.**Another success story for Blairs Cool Britannia and the multicultural experiment that New Liebour have imposed on the UK. Of course I don't for one moment think that the jihadists responsible for this are in the pay of another nation, unless that is the "nation of Islam" - dar al islam, so there can be no negotiation as there is no central authority to negotiate with.
Amid fears of further attacks, a burning sport utility vehicle crashed at full speed into the terminal building at Glasgow airport in Scotland, police and witnesses said.
The airport was evacuated and all flights suspended. TV footage showed flames and black smoke rising from a vehicle in front of the building.
"The Jeep is completely on fire and it exploded not long after. It exploded at the entrance to the terminal," witness Stephen Clarkson told the British Broadcasting Corp. "It may have been an explosion of petrol in the tank because it was not a massive explosion."
Earlier Saturday, counterterrorism officers at Scotland Yard briefed Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and the British leader later chaired a meeting of top spies, police and senior officials in COBRA, the government's emergency committee, his office said.
Detectives said they were keeping an open mind about the suspects in the London case, but terrorism experts said the signs pointed to a cell linked to or inspired by al-Qaida. Police would not comment on an ABC News report saying police had a "crystal clear" picture of one suspect from CCTV footage.
Police said they were strengthening patrols in the city to reassure the public, with 350 officers on duty at the annual Gay Pride parade through central London, not far from where two Mercedes loaded with gasoline, gas canisters and nails were found Friday.
More at: HotAir
It will simply be that every so often some Moslem's will be driven insane at living in the lands of the kufir, what they refer to as Dar al harb - the world at war with Islam, that they will finally get off of their fat lazy arses in order to try and kill the people(although they don't see non moslems as people in the same way that Nazi's classed Jews and Gypsies as Untermenchen) that pay for their dole money.
There is only one good piece of news out of this, some of the people who were close by shouted "let him burn" - had the crowds got hold of that particular gentleman I am sure that it would have been the end of him. Glad to see that the people of the UK are not all converted to dhimmi status yet.
Alas he will when sentenced be sitting in a comfy cell, have all his needs as a moslem met, prayer areas, special foods laid on, sit on his arse watching cable and getting fat on our tax pounds. Oh and I am sure the usual suspects will bleat on long and hard about his "human rights".
Me I would feed the fuckers to pigs, feet first.
The Blotter says US officials had warnings of an attack in Glasgow:
**UK terror rating go's up: Now critical.U.S. law enforcement officials received intelligence reports two weeks ago warning of a possible terror attack in Glasgow against “airport infrastructure or aircraft,” a senior US law enforcement officials tells the Blotter on ABCNews.com.
The intelligence reports also warned that airports and aircraft in the Czech Republic could be the targets of al Qaeda-connected terrorists.
The warnings were kept secret for operational reasons, according to officials. In public, the White House and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff have continued to maintain they know of no specific or credible threats involving the United States, even though the intelligence reports specify US aircraft as possible targets.
The UK's national terrorism threat level has been raised to "critical" after attacks in Glasgow and London.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown urged the public to be vigilant and added: "I know the British people will stand together, united and resolute."
The announcement came after a meeting of the government emergencies committee Cobra, following a burning car being driven into a Glasgow airport terminal.
On Friday, two car bombs were found in central London.
Ministers, police and security service officials held their third meeting of Cobra in three days on Saturday evening, this time with a video link to ministers in Scotland.
In a televised statement, Mr Brown thanked the police, the security and emergency services for the "dedicated professionalism" that has been shown in London and Glasgow Airport.
"The first duty of the government is the security and safety of all the British people, so it is right to raise the level of security at airports and in crowded places in the light of the heightened threat," he said.
The critical threat level indicates terrorist attacks are imminent. It is the highest possible level and was also in place after the 7 July 2005 suicide bomb attacks on London.
Security has also been tightened at airports across the US following the attempted attacks.
Strathclyde Police said the incident at Glasgow Airport was being treated as terror related and was being linked to the attempted bombings in London.
Two men were arrested at the scene at 1515 BST after the blazing car was driven into the airport's main terminal.
Chief Constable Willie Rae revealed one of the suspects who had been taken to the city's Royal Alexandra Hospital was in possession of "a suspect device".
Eyewitnesses described a Jeep Cherokee being driven at speed towards the main doors of Glasgow airport's terminal building with flames coming out from underneath shortly after 1500 BST.
All flights to and from the airport have been suspended.
A Scottish government spokesperson said Scottish Ministers were in touch with their Whitehall opposite numbers and First Minister Alex Salmond and have spoken to Mr Brown.
Mr Salmond and Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill took part in the Cobra meeting.
Earlier in the day, Cobra also met to discuss the London car bomb attempts.
In the early hours of Friday, two Mercedes containing petrol, gas cylinders and nails were found left outside the Tiger Tiger club in Haymarket and a nearby street but the devices did not detonate.
Police in the capital are checking CCTV footage in their investigation into the planting of the two car bombs.
Unconfirmed reports suggest police may have an image of a suspect leaving the vehicle left outside the Tiger Tiger club.
Police increased patrols and security for events in London over the weekend, including the Gay Pride parade, the Concert for Diana at Wembley Stadium and the Wimbledon tennis championships.
Police have urged anyone with information to phone the confidential Anti-Terrorist hotline number on 0800789321.
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property - either as a child, a wife, or a concubine - must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen; all know how to die; but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science - the science against which it had vainly struggled - the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.
Oh whats this...
Al Qaeda
War on Terror
Glasgow Airport
Glasgow Bombing
9 people have spoken:
You are an ignorant yank pretending to be British. You spell traveller with one L. You spell jewellery with one L and you have the audacity to lecture Brits on how to behave (from your cabin in the middle of the woods in the US). You are out of touch with reality. You are, indeed, a sad stalking loner as your blog name implies.
You have repeated a misquote that the vehicle was an SUV. IT WAS A JEEP CHEROKEE as reported in the British press. Please try to learn a LITTLE of the British way of life before you spout your venom across the Internet.
Oh dear anon, one really needs to wise up.
A simple check of my ip address would show I am from Wales, Newport in fact although it may show as the Cardiff exchange.
Toodle pip ol chap, oh and fuck you.
Don't you just love these nutless "anonymous" truth tellers? The liberal all knowing from Happy Land.
So, Sir, back to actual substance... do you think there are any direct ties to the London near misses or is this separate, in your opinion? My thoughts are these are reactionaries following the overall Al Qaeda message... they don't seem sophisticated enough to be an actual direct spawn of AQ to me.
Of course, none of it is anything more than a popular bumper sticker according to our national visionary, Mr. Edwards, don't you know. HA!
Hope you're well and happy...
Hard to say if they are related, although it would not suprise me if some bearded islamoloon from some dusty nation claimed credit for both of these attacks.
On the other hand it may be a bunch of home grown jihadists(I think that most likely as they made a mess of it), not the first bunch of homegrown islamoloons and I am sure not the last alas.
Either way I am sure they come from some jihadist training camp in Pakistan or Tipton! :-)
Re Mr Edwards and his ass hat comments about it being "anything more than a popular bumper sticker" well I would like him to travel to Glasgow and tell the people of that fair city that.
His life expectancy would not be measured in years or even days.
Are you stupid, or what. The Scottish Police have been on the British TV and radio all day, stating that today\'s bombing is directly linked to London\'s car bomb.
The Scot Police have said that there are two Asians are in custody being questioned, one of which is in hospital in a critical condition with burns, having tried and partly succeeded, to set himself alight. There was NO INTELLIGENCE in advance of this attack because police have better things to do, apparently. There was NO INTELLIGENCE in advance of London\'s attack because the police have better things to do, apparently.
Anon, lets hope he spills the beans with regards any info as to other plots.
Other than that I hope he dies in slow an in much pain.
I love (in the very British spirit of seeing the bright side) that it was a smoker having a sly cig. outside who spotted the boys up to their antics.
Way to go smoking ban!!!
Well said twf.
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