Here we see Ahmed the manager of Kwik Save and part time Al-Quada member demonstrating jihad to British terrorists.
No wonder they blow themselves up. Is that a BB Gun he is firing?
From Pommygranate, who seems to have captured the inept efforts of UK jihadiscum to martyr themselves.
New Prime Minister Gordon Brown has raised the Terror Alert in Britain to Risible from Laughable.
Following the crashing of the first car bomber into a lamp-post outside the Tiger Tiger nightclub in London, the Terror Alert was raised from Useless to Laughable. However, after Hafeez Brainzmissing and co-conspirator, Jihad NaeClue, incinerated themselves at Glasgow airport, the Alert was raised once again, this time to Risible.
Hospitals across the land are witnessing an influx of patients with bruised ribs caused by excessive laughter over the incompetent actions of the 'terrorists'. Pharmacists are reporting a run on rib braces as Brits prepare themselves for the next utterly contemptible attempt at martyrdom.
**A bit of light humour...

GLASGOW, Scotland — Three terrorist suspects were in police custody Sunday — and a fourth man under guard in hospital — following attacks that saw a flaming jeep crash into a Scottish airport and two car bomb plots foiled in central London.
Scotland Yard said two people had been arrested in Cheshire, a county in northern England, in a joint swoop by specialist officers from London and Birmingham.
[...]Now this is good:
Two men arrested in Scotland in connection with the Glasgow Airport attack are not “home-grown terrorists”, Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill said."Police Blow Up Car At Hospital," from SkyNewsMr MacAskill said the suspects were not “born or bred” here but had lived in Scotland for a “period of time”.
“For any suggestion to be made that they are home-grown terrorists is just not true,” he added. - Nice to see that jihad Johnies from abroad can still fuck up. Now any chance we can tighten up our immigration procedures with regard to the hoards of moslem barbarians that we let into the UK?
Police have carried out a controlled explosion at the hospital where one of the alleged car bombers is being treated.**Lastly we have some soundbite politics from a minor backbench MP, who on his weblog states that you are more likely to be in a car accident that have a run in with the jihadistscum. Well that is as may be, however that doesn't negate the point that it was New Labour who opened the floodgates, it was New Labour who allowed in Wahhabi preachers to spread hate in the UK, it was New Labour who believed that an open door policy was best for nation.A suspect car was blown up by police in the car park of the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley, Sky News correspondent Rona Dougall said.
A 200-metre cordon has been thrown around the hospital and staff and visitors are not being allowed in or out.Army bomb disposal experts were called to the car park this afternoon.
Strathclyde Police said they believed the car was connected to the attack in Glasgow.
"There is no indication that the vehicle contained any explosives," said a spokesman.
So according to this worthless cock of an MP, you are more likely to die from a car than a jihadist: Which although true misses the point.
In the past seven days 63 people were killed in road deaths in British road accidents. There were no terrorist casualties. In the past seven years 29,936 people were killed in British road accidents: 52 were killed by terrorists....Typical New Labour, having brought the problem into the UK, they now have no fucking idea what so ever - other than piss poor control orders from which the terrorists promptly bugger off- on how to deal with moslem extremists.
Well thats all right then, a mere fifty two matter not a jot to New Labour.
Al Qaeda
War on Terror
Glasgow Airport
Glasgow Bombing
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