TUTZING, Germany: German Chancellor Angela Merkel called on Europeans to take a joint stand against Islamic terrorists and defend what she called the European Union's core values of democracy and tolerance.
Merkel, whose nation held the rotating EU presidency from January to June of this year, urged EU citizens to view the union not only as an economic bloc, but one of common values.
"We need the European Union as a community of shared values," Merkel said Sunday in an address at the Academy of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria.
Merkel also called the Western ideals of human rights a universal value that reaches beyond the borders of the EU.
"For me, tolerance is the soul of Europe," Merkel said. "It must be our guideline in discussions with the enemies of democracy, with extremists."
**Thats all well and good, but we both as a nation and as part of the EU have dealt with the moslem dealers of death many many times, yet nothing has improved.
They believe we are not just wrong, but immoral as well, add to that that as unbelievers they do not even see us as human beings. I have made the comparison before with the nazi's classing those who did not fit in with National Socialism as Untermenchen(sub humans fit only to be exterminated) but that is how the extremists think.There can be no dealing done with them for their aims are simple: Sharia law and the word of Allah to rule all of humanity. Thats it and anyone, not matter how damn liberal they are (or think they are) needs to understand that the extremists don't even care if you claim to be on their side. You as a non moslem are a kuffir, someone from the Dar al Harb(the world at war with Islam).
Even their mindset breaks the planet down into two simple blocks, the old us and them arguement - first their is the moslem part Dar al islam (the world under Allah), then there are us in evil(as they preceive it) Dar al Harb. The infidels fit only to be beheaded, shot blown up, to have planes flown into our buildings and cars crashed into our airports.
The extremists do not want free speech, liberty or anything else from our world other than its death as soon as they can blow it up.
Now this is not to say that many moslems agree with this jihadist view, many do not- but that said the Umma needs to do a lot more to root out the looney tune jihadists. Many moslems I speak to appreciate the freedoms that they have here in the Western world and seem damn confused as to the piss poor attitude that many politico's - such as Mr Brown our monovisioned PM - are taking in tackling the problem.
With regards to his weak speech the other week: Using the words Islamic Terrorism is not going to upset them. In fact avoiding such phrases mearly stops a proper debate on the subject.

Al Qaeda
War on Terror
Angela Merkel
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